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# Video SDK for React JS [![Documentation](https://img.shields.io/badge/Read-Documentation-blue)](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/concept-and-architecture) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/876774498798551130?label=Join%20on%20Discord)](https://discord.gg/kgAvyxtTxv) [![Register](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contact-Know%20More-blue)](https://app.videosdk.live/signup) At Video SDK, we’re building tools to help companies create world-class collaborative products with capabilities of live audio/videos, compose cloud recordings/rtmp/hls and interaction APIs ## Demo App Check out demo [here](https://videosdk.live/prebuilt/demo) ## Meeting Features - [x] Real-time video and audio conferencing - [x] Enable/disable camera - [x] Mute/unmute mic - [x] Chat - [x] Raise hand - [x] Screen share - [x] Recording
## Setup Guide - Sign up on [VideoSDK](https://app.videosdk.live/) and visit [API Keys](https://app.videosdk.live/api-keys) section to get your API key and Secret key. - Get familiarized with [Token](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/authentication-and-token)
### Prerequisites - React Js 16 or later - Node 10 or later - Valid [Video SDK Account](https://app.videosdk.live/signup) ## Run the Sample App ### Step 1: Clone the sample project Clone the repository to your local environment. ```js git clone https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example.git ``` ### Step 2: Copy the .env.example file to .env file. Open your favorite code editor and copy `.env.example` to `.env` file. ```js cp.env.example.env; ``` ### Step 3: Modify .env file Generate temporary token from [Video SDK Account](https://app.videosdk.live/signup). ```js title=".env" REACT_APP_VIDEOSDK_TOKEN = "TEMPORARY-TOKEN"; ``` ### Step 4: Install the dependecies Install all the dependecies to run the project. ```js npm install ``` ### Step 5: Run the Sample App Bingo, it's time to push the launch button. ```js npm run start ```
## [Key Concepts](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/concept-and-architecture) - `Meeting` - A Meeting represents Real time audio and video communication. **`Note : Don't confuse with Room and Meeting keyword, both are same thing 😃`** - `Sessions` - A particular duration you spend in a given meeting is a referred as session, you can have multiple session of a particular meetingId. - `Participant` - Participant represents someone who is attending the meeting's session, `local partcipant` represents self (You), for this self, other participants are `remote participants`. - `Stream` - Stream means video or audio media content that is either published by `local participant` or `remote participants`.
## Token Generation Token is used to create and validate a meeting using API and also initialise a meeting. 🛠️ `Development Environment`: - You may use a temporary token for development. To create a temporary token, go to VideoSDK [dashboard](https://app.videosdk.live/api-keys) . 🌐 `Production Environment`: - You must set up an authentication server to authorise users for production. To set up an authentication server, refer to our official example repositories. [videosdk-rtc-api-server-examples](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-api-server-examples)
## API: Create and Validate meeting - `create meeting` - Please refer this [documentation](https://docs.videosdk.live/api-reference/realtime-communication/create-room) to create meeting. - `validate meeting`- Please refer this [documentation](https://docs.videosdk.live/api-reference/realtime-communication/validate-room) to validate the meetingId.
## [Initialize a Meeting](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/setup-call/initialise-meeting) - You can initialize the meeting using `MeetingProvider`. Meeting Provider simplifies configuration of meeting with by wrapping up core logic with `react-context`. ```js ```
## [Enable/Disable Local Webcam](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/handling-media/on-off-camera) ```js const onPress = () => { // Enable Webcam in Meeting meeting?.enableWebcam(); // Disable Webcam in Meeting meeting?.disableWebcam(); }; ```
## [Change Local Webcam](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/handling-media/change-input-device#changing-camera-input-device) ```js const onPress = () => { const webcams = await meeting?.getWebcams(); // returns all webcams const { deviceId, label } = webcams[0]; meeting?.changeWebcam(deviceId); } ```
## [Mute/Unmute Local Audio](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/handling-media/mute-unmute-mic) ```js const onPress = () => { // Enable Mic in Meeting meeting?.unmuteMic(); // Disable Mic in Meeting meeting?.muteMic(); }; ```
## [Change Local Mic](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/handling-media/change-input-device#changing-audio-input-device) ```js const onPress = () => { const mics = await meeting?.getMics(); // returns all mics const { deviceId, label } = mics[0]; meeting?.changeMic(deviceId); } ```
## [Chat](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/collaboration-in-meeting/chat-using-pubsub) - The chat feature allows participants to send and receive messages about specific topics to which they have subscribed. ```js // importing usePubSub hook from react-sdk import { usePubSub } from "@videosdk.live/react-sdk"; // CHAT Topic const { publish, messages } = usePubSub("CHAT"); // publish message const sendMessage = () => { const message = "Hello People!"; publish(message, { persist: true }); }; // get latest messages console.log("Messages : ", messages); ```
## [Raise Hand](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/collaboration-in-meeting/pubsub) - This feature allows participants to raise hand during the meeting. ```js // importing usePubSub hook from react-sdk import { usePubSub } from "@videosdk.live/react-sdk"; // RAISE_HAND Topic const { publish } = usePubSub("RAISE_HAND"); // Publish Message const RaiseHand = () => { publish("Raise Hand"); }; ```
## [Share Your Screen](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/handling-media/screen-share) - This featute allows participant to share either the complete screen, a specific window or, a browser tab. ```js const onPress = () => { // Enabling ScreenShare meeting?.enableScreenShare(); // Disabling ScreenShare meeting?.disableScreenShare(); }; ```
## [Recording](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/recording-and-live-streaming/record-meeting) - Record meeting allows participants to record video & audio during the meeting. The recording files are available in developer dashboard. Any participant can start / stop recording any time during the meeting. ```js const onPress = () => { // Start Recording meeting?.startRecording(webhookUrl, awsDirPath); // Stop Recording meeting?.stopRecording(); }; ```
## [Interactive Live Streaming](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/recording-and-live-streaming/interactive-livestream) - Interactive Live Streaming allows participants to to broadcast live streaming to other participants. Host can start / stop HLS any time during the meeting. ```js const onPress = () => { // Start HLS const layout = { type: "SPOTLIGHT", priority: "PIN", gridSize: 9, }, meeting?.startHls({ layout, theme: "DARK" }); // Stop HLS meeting?.stopHls(); }; ```
## [Leave or End Meeting](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/guide/video-and-audio-calling-api-sdk/setup-call/leave-end-meeting) ```js const onPress = () => { // Only one participant will leave/exit the meeting; the rest of the participants will remain. meeting?.leave(); // The meeting will come to an end for each and every participant. So, use this function in accordance with your requirements. meeting?.end(); }; ```
## [Meeting Event callbacks](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/api/sdk-reference/use-meeting/events) By registering callback handlers, VideoSDK sends callbacks to the client app whenever there is a change or update in the meeting after a user joins. ```js function onMeetingJoined() { // This event will be emitted when a localParticipant(you) successfully joined the meeting. console.log("onMeetingJoined"); } function onMeetingLeft() { // This event will be emitted when a localParticipant(you) left the meeting. console.log("onMeetingLeft"); } function onParticipantJoined(participant) { // This event will be emitted when a new participant joined the meeting. // [participant]: new participant who joined the meeting console.log(" onParticipantJoined", participant); } function onParticipantLeft(participant) { // This event will be emitted when a joined participant left the meeting. // [participantId]: id of participant who left the meeting console.log(" onParticipantLeft", participant); } const onSpeakerChanged = (activeSpeakerId) => { // This event will be emitted when any participant starts or stops screen sharing. // [activeSpeakerId]: Id of participant who shares the screen. console.log(" onSpeakerChanged", activeSpeakerId); }; function onPresenterChanged(presenterId) { // This event will be emitted when a active speaker changed. // [presenterId] : Id of active speaker console.log(" onPresenterChanged", presenterId); } function onRecordingStarted() { // This event will be emitted when recording of the meeting is started. console.log(" onRecordingStarted"); } function onRecordingStopped() { // This event will be emitted when recording of the meeting is stopped. console.log(" onRecordingStopped"); } const { meetingId, meeting, localParticipant } = useMeeting({ onMeetingJoined, onMeetingLeft, onParticipantJoined, onParticipantLeft, onSpeakerChanged, onPresenterChanged, onRecordingStarted, onRecordingStopped, }); ```
## [Participant Events Callback](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/api/sdk-reference/use-participant/events) By registering callback handlers, VideoSDK sends callbacks to the client app whenever a participant's video, audio, or screen share stream is enabled or disabled. ```js function onStreamEnabled(stream) { // This event will be triggered whenever a participant's video, audio or screen share stream is enabled. console.log(" onStreamEnabled", stream); } function onStreamDisabled(stream) { // This event will be triggered whenever a participant's video, audio or screen share stream is disabled. console.log(" onStreamDisabled", stream); } function onMediaStatusChanged(data) { // This event will be triggered whenever a participant's video or audio is disabled or enabled. const { kind, newStatus} = data; console.log("onMediaStatusChanged", kind,newStatus) } const { displayName ... } = useParticipant(participantId,{ onStreamEnabled, onStreamDisabled, onMediaStatusChanged, }); ``` If you want to learn more about the SDK, read the Complete Documentation of [React VideoSDK](https://docs.videosdk.live/react/api/sdk-reference/setup)
## Project Description
> **Note :** > > - **main** branch: Meeting and Interactive live streaming with better UI includes basic features. > - **design/v1** branch: Simple UI with all features and methods.
## Use case type - **Meeting** - In `Meeting` you can enable mic and webcam, record the meeting, raise hand, chat, share your screen.
## Project Structure There are 1 folder : 1. [`meeting`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/tree/main/src/meeting) - This folder includes components or file related to meeting.
## Common components **1. Create or join Meeting** - [`components/screens/JoiningScreen.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/screens/JoiningScreen.js) : It shows the user with the option to meeting type and create or join a meeting and to initiate webcam and mic status. - `api.js` : It includes all the API calls for create and validate meeting. - If you select `Meeting` type and click `Create Meeting`, it will show following: - `MeetingId` - You can copy this meetingId and share it with other participants that wants to join the meeting. - `TextField for ParticipantName` - This text field will contain name of the participant. - `Start Meeting Button` - This button will call api to create meeting with meetingId that participant want to join.

- If you select `Meeting` type and click `Join Meeting`, it will show following: - `TextField for MeetingId` - This text field will contain the meeting Id that you want to join. - `TextField for ParticipantName` - This text field will contain name of the participant. - `Join Meeting Button` - This button will call api to validate meeting with meetingId that participant want to join.

- If you select `Interactive Live Streaming` type and click `Join as a Host`, it will show following: - `Studio code` - You can copy this studio code and share with other participants that wants to join the meeting. - `TextField for ParticipantName` - This text field will contain name of the participant. - `Join Studio Button` - This button will call api to create meeting with studio code that participant want to join.

- If you select `Interactive Live Streaming` type and click `Join as a Viewer`, it will show following: - `TextField for StudioCode` - This text field will contain the studio code that you want to join. - `TextField for ParticipantName` - This text field will contain name of the participant. - `Join Streaming Room Button` - This button will call api to validate meeting with studio code that viewer want to join.

**2. PresenterView** [`components/PresenterView.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/PresenterView.js) - It contains the view when participant share their screen.

**3. ParticipantView** [`components/ParticipantView.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/ParticipantView.js) - It contains single participant video and corner display name. **4. ParticipantGrid** [`components/ParticipantGrid.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/ParticipantGrid.js) - It contains the grid of participant that are displayed in the main screen. **5. ParticipantList** [`sidebar/ParticipantPanel.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/sidebar/ParticipantPanel.js) - This file is used to show the list of participants present in the meeting.

**6. Chat** [`sidebar/ChatPanel.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/sidebar/ChatPanel.js) - It contains the chat side panel with chat input and chat messages list.

**7. Waiting Screen** [`components/screens/WaitingToJoin.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/screens/WaitingToJoinScreen.js) - It contains the lottie animation with messages. Untill you receive `isMeetingJoined` true from `meeting` that you intialize using `useMeeting()` from `@videosdk.live/react-sdk`, this screen will be displayed.

**8. Leave Screen** [`components/screens/LeaveScreen.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/screens/LeaveScreen.js) - This file contains the leave screen.

**9. SidebarContainer** - [`components/sidebar/SidebarContainer.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/components/sidebar/SidebarContainer.js) - It containes `Participanel`, `ChatPanel`, `CreatePoll`, `PollList` and `SubmitPollList` component rendering.
## Meeting Project Structure **1. MeetingContainer** : It contains the `PresenterView` , `ParticipantView`, `SidebarContainer` and `BottomBar`. **2. Meeting Bottom Bar** - [`meeting/components/BottomBar.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/meeting/components/BottomBar.js): It contains the buttons that are displayed in bottom of the screen. - Starting from left it shows meetingId with copy icon button. - In middle, it shows recording indicator, raise hand icon button, mic icon button with available mics list, webcam icon button with available webcam list, screen share and leave meeting icon button. - In right most corner, it shows chat icon button and partcipants icon with participant count. - When screen resolution change to mobile, tab or lg screen, the order of bottom bar elements changes to leave meeting button, recording button, mic & webcam button and `more actions` button. - On click of `more actions` button it opens a drawer that contains other remaining buttons.

**3. ParticipantView** - [`meeting/components/ParticipantView.js`](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example/blob/main/src/meeting/components/ParticipantView.js) - It contains the grid of participant that are displayed in the main screen.

## Examples ### Examples for Conference - [videosdk-rtc-prebuilt-examples](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-prebuilt-examples) - [videosdk-rtc-javascript-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-javascript-sdk-example) - [videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-examplee](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-sdk-example) - [videosdk-rtc-react-native-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-react-native-sdk-example) - [videosdk-rtc-flutter-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-flutter-sdk-example) - [videosdk-rtc-android-java-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-android-java-sdk-example) - [videosdk-rtc-android-kotlin-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-android-kotlin-sdk-example) - [videosdk-rtc-ios-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-rtc-ios-sdk-example) ### Examples for Live Streaming - [videosdk-hls-react-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-hls-react-sdk-example) - [videosdk-hls-react-native-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-hls-react-native-sdk-example) - [videosdk-hls-flutter-sdk-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-hls-flutter-sdk-example) - [videosdk-hls-android-java-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-hls-android-java-example) - [videosdk-hls-android-kotlin-example](https://github.com/videosdk-live/videosdk-hls-android-kotlin-example) ## Documentation [Read the documentation](https://docs.videosdk.live/) to start using Video SDK. ## Community - [Discord](https://discord.gg/Gpmj6eCq5u) - To get involved with the Video SDK community, ask questions and share tips. - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/video_sdk) - To receive updates, announcements, blog posts, and general Video SDK tips. # syncspace # syncspace