- abuecher
- ahresseCanonical
- arpu1170 Vienna
- atluryNeurulus Labs Private Limited
- azfirefighterLL Todd Family
- behonests
- bengjiSETPLEX LLC.
- brmarkusFreelancer
- caomwAHU
- codespan
- cubeId0
- dignakovTaiga Robotics
- dsrsan
- FocusLuoIntel
- gowthamhosamane@intel
- hexray-newbee
- holgernBerlin
- hongyunL
- ishmael1985University of Paris 13
- kakao-jun-eSeoul, Republic of Korea
- legend59Korea
- liangaliIntel Corporation
- litsunglin
- lubagovLurity S.R.O.
- luco2018
- mountainjoeSan Diego, CA
- MVozZer0
- ngaloppo@apple
- ph0bIntel Corporation
- SkiminokD
- Smit1237
- vrtony
- wdv4758hTaipei, Taiwan
- wenxiaomingshanghai
- yanchaoghub
- ZvictoriaHuawei, ex Intel