
Functionality and tests

vissarion opened this issue · 1 comments

I managed to successfully install o80 from the documentation.

However, I have trouble running any example. The documentation seems scattered on this aspect. What is a minimum example that can be run after a successful installation of o80? Does the user need to install something else? Also the automated tests that used to appear in the README are not there anymore and I cannot find them in other places too.


o80 is a heavily templated library, and an unfortunate consequence of it is that even the simplest example becomes quite involved.

The "minimal" example for the usage of o80 is in this package: .

The introduction of the documentation points to this example package, but indeed it was not emphasized enough.

I added this to the documentation:

The unit-tests for o80 are in o80_example (because o80 is templated, concrete implementations are required, and this is what o80_example provides). I made this now clear in the readme of o80: