PATI: A Projection-Based Augmented Table-Top Interface for Robot Programming

Primary LanguagePython



This is the repository accompanying the paper PATI: A Projection-Based Augmented Table-Top Interface for Robot Programming. In this work, we present PATI—a Projection-based Augmented Table-top Interface for robot programming—through which users are able to use sim- ple, common gestures (e.g., pinch gestures) and tools (e.g., shape tools) to specify table-top manipulation tasks (such as pick-and-place) for a robot manipulator. PATI allows users to interact with the environment directly when providing task specifications.


To launch kinect and server for Unity communication roslaunch ropi_tangible_surface all_in_one.launch

To launch main program: rosrun ropi_tangible_surface tangible_surface.py


  • ropi_msgs: ROS messages, services and actions
  • ropi_tangible_surface: main package
    • ropi_tangible_surface: python package for backend processing
      • base_class.py: base class of all detection and tracking clsses.
      • finger_detection.py: detect fingertip positions
      • fingertip_tracking.py: filter and track detections
      • object_detection.py: detect tabletop objects
      • object_tracking.py: filter and track object detections
    • tangible_surface.py: main script