Dockers for ROS


  1. Install Docker Engine and Docker Compose
  2. If you are running this on a Raspberry Pi, you need to add swap for building librealsense:

Initial value is 100MB, but we need to build libraries so initial value isn't enough for that. In this case, need to switch from 100 to 2048 (2GB).

$ sudo vim /etc/dphys-swapfile

$ sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart swapon -s
  1. Use docker without sudo

  2. Fix broken docker-compose As docker-compose makes things more reproducable but is broken in the actual hypriot image, we will fix this by typing this in to the raspberry terminal:

sudo easy_install --upgrade pip
sudo pip uninstall docker docker-compose -y

sudo pip install requests==2.20.1
sudo pip install docker==3.7.2
sudo pip install docker-compose==1.23.0
  1. We use Fabric to streamline build and development, to install Fabric:
pip install Fabric3
sudo apt install fabric


The directory should look like this

+-- docker-compose.yml
+-- dockers
|   +-- docker-ros-{name1}
|   |   +-- Dockerfile
|   |   +-- ...
|   +-- docker-ros-{name2}
|   |   +-- Dockerfile
|   |   +-- ...
+-- packages
|   +-- package1
|   +-- package2

All dockers should reside in the dockers folder, and the packages should be cloned into the packages folder as submodules and mounted to the containers.

Basic Usage


We provide a script for building and pushing images, usage:

usage: ./ image1 image2 ... imageN
Give the images to build. If no image is given, all folders in /dockers will be built.
  -h|--help: Usage
  -d|--dir: dockers directory. Default: dockers
  -r|--ros0distro: ros distibution. Default: kinetic


./ ros-gui ros-master #build specific images
./ #build all 


We provide a script for launching images, usage:

Give the images to build. If no image is given, all folders in /dockers will be built.
  -h|--help: Usage
  -s|--start: Run dockers
  -b|--build: Start with build
  -a|--attached: Run in attached mode to see output
  -e|--end: Stop dockers


./ -s #start dockers
./ -s -b #build and start dockers
./ -s -a #start dockers in attached mode
./ -e #end dockers


Docker for d415/d435 using ROS Dockerized ROS environment with Realsense support.


This project is inspired by docker-ros-d415, gobbit project and ROS Docker Tutorials.

Using stand-alone container with gui

xhost +local:root

docker run -it --rm \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -v $HOME/.Xauthority:$HOME/.Xauthority \
    --net=host \
    yuxiang-gao/ros-gui \

Using Docker Compose

  1. Bring up the containers: docker-compose up -d
  2. Check status docker ps
  3. To enter interactive mode
$ docker exec -it master bash
$ source /
  1. Bring down the containers: Docker-compose down