
This package enables an UR5 arm with a Robotiq 140 Gripper to be used with MoveIt!.

Primary LanguageCMake


Author: Yuxiang Gao and Yeping Wang

ROS Version : Kinetic


universal_robot : URDFs and Meshes for UR5

ur_modern_driver : Drivers for UR5.

robotiq : Drivers for the Robotiq gripper.

roboticsgroup_gazebo_plugins : For the gripper simulation in Gazebo

[ros_controllers]: For the CripperActionController. Can be installed with sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ros-controllers

Usage with Gazebo simulation

To start the Gazebo simulated ur5 and the gripper:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_gazebo icl_ur5_gripper.launch

Then bring up the moveit:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_moveit_config ur5_gripper_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true

Finally, run a Rviz to visualize the trajectory:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true

To bringup the slide bar for each joint:

rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

Usage with the hardware

This package communicates with Robotiq 140 gripper using the robotiq_action_server through Modbus RTU protocol, so the first step to do is to connect the gripper using USB.

To bring up the whole arm configuration with all drivers, you can use the following command:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_bringup ur5_fts_gripper.launch

If there are some connection error, you may need to change the gripper_port, serial_id, and robot_ip in the launch file. Currently, gripper_port is ttyUSB0 and serial_id is ttyUSB1, these require you to plug the gripper's USB first then plug the force torque sensor's USB. To find the robot ip address:

UR’s teach-pendant -> Setup Robot -> Setup Network Menu -> ip address

If you don't need the force torque sensor, you just need to launch ur5_gripper.launch

Activited the gripper:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_bringup activate_gripper.launch

Then press 'r' to reset and press 'a' to activite the gripper.

Bring up the moveit:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_moveit_config ur5_gripper_moveit_planning_execution.launch

Finally, run a Rviz to visualize the trajectory:

roslaunch icl_ur5_setup_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true

To control the gripper

Publish the position value to icl_gripper/gripper_cmd/goal (or the topic under a similar name).

position value 0.0: open

position value 0.8: close


This repo learns a lot from icl_phri_ur5, UR5-with-Robotiq-Gripper-and-Kinect and tams_ur5_setup