Intuitive Computing Laboratory @ Johns Hopkins University

This is a public wiki for members of the Intuitive Computing Laboratory.



Lab Member Contact Information

Name E-mail Address GitHub Username
Dr. Chien-Ming Huang cmhuang[at]cs[dot]jhu[dot]edu cmhuang
Gopika Ajaykumar gopika[at]cs[dot]jhu[dot]edu gopikaajaykumar
Ji Han jhan53[at]jhu[dot]edu j5207
Yuxiang Gao ygao73[at]jhu[dot]edu DavidGogh
Amrita Krishnaraj akrishn9[at]jhu[dot]edu akrishn9
Yeping Wang wyeping1[at]jhu[dot]edu yepw

Lab Member Schedules

Spring 2019 Availability

Member M T W TH F Additional Notes Last Updated
Gopika 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, 4:30 - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, 4:30 - 6:00 PM 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM S: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 02/22/19

Demos and Tutorials

UR-5 and Force Torque Sensor

RealSense Cameras

Use docker for development and test


RealSense Cameras

Our lab has six RealSense cameras: one D435, three D345i's and two D415's. Below is a table containing the information associated with each of these cameras. Please refer to the label on the back of the camera to obtain its ID.

ID Type Serial Number Alias Notes
1 D435 750612071028 cam_1 This camera is currently checked out by an HRI team.
2 D435i 843112073431 cam_2 This one is checked out by Yuxiang.
3 D435i 841512070749 cam_3
4 D435i 841512070892 cam_4
5 D415 836212060501 cam_5
6 D415 746112060889 cam_6
  • 6 is unlabeled at the moment

UR5, Gripper and Force Torque Sensor

ID Type Model Notes
1 ur5 ur5
2 Gripper ROBOTIQ 2F-140
3 Force Torque Sensor ROBOTIQ FT300


ID Type Model Notes
1 WebCAM Logitech C930e

Onboarding for New Lab Members

To be added


  • [pdf][website] Gao, Yuxiang, and Huang, Chien-Ming. "PATI: a projection-based augmented table-top interface for robot programming." Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. ACM, 2019.


To be added