
is it still possible to run enrichment analysis on all data?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi team,
This tool is amazing and thanks for keeping it running and updating.
I was wondering if it is possible to run enrichment analysis on all experiment types, i.e. including histone ChIPseq, TF ChIPseq and ATACseq etc, as before?
Currently, there is no all option for the experiment type. I would like to have something like that, similar to all cell type in the cell type box.
Thank you if you are able to provide this.

Thank you, Shinya, for your suggestions.
Actually, I want to run my enrichment analysis against a few samples and data that are unclassified in your database, which I have manually checked and is related to my research. For example, those data:

SRX021808 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021809 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021810 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021811 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021812 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021813 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021814 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021815 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021816 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021817 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell
SRX021818 | mm10 | Unclassified | Unclassified | Pluripotent stem cell

Is there a way to make the results include them? That is why I prefer to have an ALL option for factors as well.

That would be great! btw, how can I find your email? Or do I post links here?