
Codes used for the deliverable 2.8 - climate velocity

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MPA Europe - Climate velocity map for European seas under recent conditions

Here you find the codes used to produce the Deliverable 2.8 of MPA Europe, "Climate velocity map for European seas under recent conditions".

The underlying data is available on Bio-ORACLE v3.0 (publication here and package here).

The study area shapefile is available on the repository iobis/mpaeu_studyarea

VoCC - conversion to terra functions

This analysis is mainly done through the VoCC package, as described in García Molinos, J., Schoeman, D. S., Brown, C. J. and Burrows, M. T. (2019), VoCC: An R package for calculating the velocity of climate change and related climatic metrics. Methods Ecol Evol. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13295

The original package was written using functions from the raster package. For better performance, we converted all package to work mainly with the terra package. A version of this converted package is available here in the folder VoCC-terra. You can install it using devtools::install_github("iobis/mpaeu_climatevelocity/VoCC-terra"). Users should also refer to the original package in the repository JorGarMol/VoCC