
A platform for hosting SDM maps produced by OBIS

Primary LanguageHTML

MPA Europe maps platform

This is the repository for the maps platform being developed by OBIS to hold the SDM (Species Distribution Models) maps produced as part of the MPA Europe project.

The platform uses Quarto and Shiny, and is still under development. You can access the platform here: (https://shiny.obis.org/distmaps/)

Below, a screenshot showing the most recent status:

Repository structure

The main files are:

  • index.qmd: Quarto file used to generate the webpage and the frontend part of the app (generate index.html).
  • _quarto.yml: Quarto configuration file.
  • www/addons.js: Javascript additional functions.
  • www/styles.css: CSS stylesheet for personalization of the interface.

Main folders:

  • quarto_components: Page sections.
  • components: Shiny server-side components.
  • scripts: R functions/scripts needed within components.