- 31
- 10
- 2
- 32
Enable failed?
#5 opened by exec228 - 0
Question: setattr Can't Find Attributes
#65 opened by Yanqiao4396 - 0
How build this extension?
#64 opened by aquinary - 4
does not work in VSCode version 1.74.2
#62 opened by weaming - 1
- 20
Monkey path not loading in VSCode 1.74.0
#55 opened by golimpio - 23
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 11
- 0
[error] [uncaught exception in main]: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'apply')
#54 opened by shungo27 - 6
- 0
Question: What should I do to replace just a small portion of the file `workbench.desktop.main.js`?
#52 opened by septsea - 3
Blank screen on Mac after Dec Update
#31 opened by tsny - 1
- 6
Error when running Monkey Patch on M1 CPU
#44 opened by effinsky - 2
Monkey patch fails with VS 1.70.0-insider
#45 opened by rbadapanda - 6
Fails with VS Code 1.69
#46 opened by janekb04 - 0
Unable to successfully use contribute
#43 opened by mondersky - 1
April update breaks monkey-patch
#42 opened by jrvgr - 7
Loading modules in home directory via extension configuration fails, causes issues with Insiders
#27 opened by disco0 - 0
- 0
Migrate package away from `vscode`
#37 opened by xsrvmy - 0
Publish to OpenVSX
#36 opened by xsrvmy - 6
Monkey patch makes the explorer panel blank on the latest insider (version: 1.64.0-insider)
#35 opened by rbadapanda - 19
- 0
Getting a "Cannot read property 'sideBar' of undefined" when toggling the side bar
#33 opened by ryan6416 - 0
Question: How can I change fonts in Webviews?
#32 opened by septsea - 20
- 3
- 1
- 8
Make `promptRestart()` public.
#4 opened by seivan - 2
- 0
- 4
Untrusted html usage
#22 opened by setalosas - 7
Doesn't load modules anymore (1.54.1)
#21 opened by seivan - 11
Failed to enable on WSL
#7 opened by annappropriate - 2
- 4
- 1
- 5
How to prevent panel actions collapse?
#13 opened by inwardmovement - 2
Why does MP need to run /bin/sh/ as Super User?
#11 opened by ReedyBear - 2
Fails to enable on macOS Catalina (10.15.4)
#10 opened by GlitterHorn - 2
- 7
Catalina Read-only file system
#6 opened by alanzchen - 7
Only one extension seem to get bootstrapped.
#3 opened by seivan