- ABChristian
- aerofeeveidox∙digital∙finance
- AhmedAliStatsCairo University
- astrojuanlu@kedro-org
- bsmietanka
- cwr250
- cyrii42
- dangotbanned
- danieltomaszGhent University
- DeflateAwning
- EdwardvaneechoudRockstar IT
- ethanmsl
- fpgmaasFreelance
- furlat
- gab23r
- godspeedhuangNational Cheng Kung University
- haha-tree
- hattajr@Wellysis
- HoohmSwitzerland
- JankovnFrance - Paris
- jeickmeier
- joshua-auchinclossRoyal Bank of Canada
- krzjoaCEVA Logistics
- liheinz
- MarcoGorelliQuansight
- marinegorMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Laboratory for Advanced Studies of Membrane Proteins
- martin-conur
- Michael-Allgoewer-btb.telligent
- mingi3314AlphaPrime
- moritzwilksch@QuantCo
- Object905Kumertau
- roarkemcEnbridge Inc.
- ThomasMAhern
- tmalthouseChicago Booth, Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State
- tshauckWHERE TRUE Technologies
- YorkWestenhaverAlphaFund