
Compressed cell atlas across organs and organisms

Primary LanguagePython


Compressed cell atlas across organs and organisms

This web application demonstrates the idea of a "compressed cell atlas", i.e. a nonredundant distillation of one or more single cell omics data sets, across organs and organisms.



To test the web application locally inside a Python virtualenv:

  1. make sure you compress the atlases appriopriately or ask Fabio for the compressed files
  2. open a terminal on linux/OSX and navigate to the webapp subfolder
  3. run ./test.sh


To test locally inside a docker container (simulating lightsail virtualization):

  1. Test locally as above
  2. Start your docker service (e.g. systemctl start docker): you probably need superuser rights. If you started it already, you can skip this step.
  3. Build (or rebuild) the docker container: docker build -t compressed-atlas .
  4. Test the image: docker run -p 5000:5000 compressed-atlas. In this example it will run the image on port 5000.


Things you can do are shown on the home page once you launch the app, but as a quick (nonexhaustive) summary:

  • Natural language processing: write your request and the app will answer
  • Show gene expression and chromatin accessibility by cell type
  • Show gene expression and chromatin accessibility for a single gene/region across ages in all cell types
  • Show gene expression and chromatin accessibility for multiple genes/regions across ages in one cell type
  • Show marker genes/chromatin regions for cell types
  • Differential expression/accessibility across cell types, time points, organisms, and organs (WIP)
  • Show relative cell type abundance
  • Pathway analysis (Gene Ontology and KEGG)
  • Look up gene information (GeneCards, JAX)
  • Look up UCSC genome browser for gene/chromatin region coordinates
  • Look up GO categories for each gene
  • Find genes/regions with similar expression/accessibility
  • Find genes/regions that are closeby on the same chromosome/scaffold
  • Suggest similar genes/chromatin peaks
  • Download plots in PNG and SVG format, and plot data as CSV
  • RESTful API access to the compressed data (documentation WIP)

NOTE: raw (uncompressed) data cannot be accessed directly.


The architecture of the compressed atlas is the following:

  • A RESTful APIs to request the compressed data (e.g. /data/gene_names=Col1a1). Documentation for this API is WIP.
  • A set of interative plots (mostly heatmaps or variations on the theme, e.g. dot plots) to visuaise the compressed data.
  • A text control system enabling a natural language UX.

At this time, this application is pre-alpha, so the API changes all the time. If you are interested in how it works, write me an email at fabio DOT zanini AT unsw DOT edu DOT au.