Package summary


Please check and install the dependecies:

For ROSPlan:

sudo apt install flex bison freeglut3-dev libbdd-dev python-catkin-tools ros-$ROS_DISTRO-tf2-bullet

For Turtlebot3 ROS packages:

please change distro from kinetic to melodic

NOTE: Before executing any turtlebot command, please add ONE of the following line to your ~/.bashrc

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi

NOTE: Please copy the ar_marker_17 folder to ~/.gazebo/models
This marker models is the 'docking station' spot for turtlebot3 in Gazebo

ROSplan + test [undock, localize , dock] custom action interface

This turtblebot will execute rosplan actions [undock, localize, dock ] in the ROSplan in Gazebo

Terminal 1 -- To bringup Gazebo simulator and Rviz with ROSplan custom action interfaces

roslaunch rosplan_interface_custom_demo turtlebot3_dock_loc_undock.launch

Terminal 2 -- Generate plans

cd {YOUR_WORKSPACE_NAME}/src/rosplan_interface_custom_demo/scripts/

ROSplan + test [goto_waypoints] action interface

This turtblebot will execute rosplan actions [goto_waypoints] in the ROSplan in Gazebo

Terminal 1 -- To bringup Gazebo simulator and Rviz with ROSplan custom action interfaces

roslaunch rosplan_interface_custom_demo turtlebot3_gt_wp.launch 

Terminal 2 -- Generate plans

cd {YOUR_WORKSPACE_NAME}/src/rosplan_interface_custom_demo/scripts/

Current Issues

  1. auto plan generation issue:

    • valid plan can be generated only when using the 4 cmd in simulated_action.bash
    • when insert waypoint the plan is unsolvable
    • problem raised at this link
  2. Things to optimize:

    1. Dock action is not perfect due to using visual marker

      • once the robot is near the dock , marker will disappear from camera which causes marker location undefine
      • need to develop extra module to detect the robot is already at docking station
    2. Launching by bash file

      • need to convert into python script/ launch file with service node