
ROS package to get the AR marker pose using the camera

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


ROS package to get the AR marker pose using the camera


To get the transform of the camera frame with respect to the robot frame

  • broadcast of type StaticTransformBroadcaster()
  • Broadcasts geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped()


To calculate the pose of the marker using the camera

  • Subscribe to topic ar_pose_marker of type AlvarMarkers
  • Service /getMarkerPose of type getMarkerPose
  • Publishes Pose of the marker of type Pose


To calculate the pose of the marker using the camera

  • Subscribe to topic ar_pose_marker of type AlvarMarkers
  • Service /getPickPose of type getMarkerPose
  • Service /getPlacePose of type getMarkerPose
  • Publishes Pose of the marker of type Pose



  • roslaunch ar_marker_detector marker_detector.launch For getting the pose of one Marker(Pick location only)
  • roservice call /getMarkerPose For getting the pose of two Marker(Pick and Place location)
  • rosservice call /getPickPose "ar_marker_id: 0"
  • rosservice call /getPlacePose "ar_marker_id: 2" Note: ar_marker_id = [0,8] for our task
