
Better Factory experiment simulation environment

Primary LanguageCMake

Better factory simulations

Scale map image creation

Using whichever environment you please, install the pip requirements (Only numpy and opencv required). You can do so manually, or going to the src folder and executing the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, go through the utils.py script, which is documented and self-explanatory, modify the "boxes" variable in the main execution block, with the tuples following the convention given in the documentation and based on the desired map to create. Then execute the script:

python utils.py

And a file called "basemap.jpg" will be created in the directory you executed from. This image corresponds to the created map with your given dimensions.

Gazebo world

  • Manually created through Gazebo based on a properly scaled map image (Image created in the previous step or previously given).

Map file creation of the Gazebo world through Neobotix's SLAM

  • Clone the prerequisite packages for neobotix's simulation, for that first cd into your workspace's src folder and execute:
    chmod +x better_facto_simuls/req/neobotsimul.sh
  • The other dependencies should have been already installed when making and sourcing your workspace. If not, install them, they are present in the "package.xml" file.
  • The instructions are given officialy here by Neobotix. But I also provide them just below for our given data.
    1. Build your catkin workspace if you haven't done so
    2. Source ros and your catkin workspace
    3. Launch the simulation with the following command, by default it runs gmapping as well, so if you want to deactive it, set the argument "autonomous_navigation" to false.
    roslaunch better_facto_simuls sim.launch
    1. Move the robot with the keys of your keyboard. The possible ones are shown in the terminal initially.
    2. When you finish mapping the whole map with your robot, execute the following command to save the map:
    rosrun map_server map_saver -f <your_map_name>

Heatmap through laser aggregation

  • The LIDAR URDF is provided, and they are placed in the Gazebo world. The whole simulation can be run by executing the same command as before for the map generation. This time around just make sure to spawn the lidars by setting their argument to true (It's activated by default)
    roslaunch better_facto_simuls sim.launch
  • Use lidar aggregator given by ragesh's repo - here. Just aggregate the proper launch file in the sim.launch file, or launch it in parallel.