
The repository holds a collection of best practices for the development, design and deployment of ROS systems

Collection of Best Practices

The repository holds a collection of best practices for the development, design and deployment of ROS systems


  • Distributed systems:

    • Description: How to install automatically a distributed robot system with several PCS
    • Status: Complete
    • Type: Informational
    • Created: 14-April-2021
    • Link: distributed_system.rst
  • Hardware_setup:

    • Description: How to set the ports of the hardware devices
    • Status: Complete, but further type of devides can be added
    • Type: Informational
    • Created: 14-April-2021
    • Link: hardware_setup.rst


  • Continuous integration
    • Description: How Continuous integration and deployment
    • Status: Complete, but can be extended further tools
    • Type: Informational
    • Created: 16-April-2021
    • Link: continuous_integration_deployment.rst

Helper Tools

  • Command tools

    • Description: Tools to easily command the robot actuators
    • Status: Complete
    • Type: Tool
    • Created: 15-April-2021
    • Link: command_tools.rst
  • Diagnostics tools

    • Description:Tools to diagnosse and monitor a system
    • Status: Complete
    • Type: Tool
    • Created: 15-April-2021
    • Link: diagnostics_tools.rst
  • Upstart tools

    • Description: Upstart setup to automatically run a ROS system on boot
    • Status: Complete
    • Type: Tool
    • Created: 15-April-2021
    • Link: upstart_tools.rst

Integration and composition

  • Modular architecture
    • Description: How to define a modular architecture for a fleet robot (e.g. Care-O-bot 4)
    • Status: Empty! Pending
    • Type: Informational
    • Created: 15-April-2021
    • Link: cob4_integracion.rst


  • Open Source
    • Description: Process to open-source existing code
    • Status: Complete
    • Type: Strong recommendation
    • Created: 15-June-2021
    • Link: open-source.rst


  • Testing toolchain

    • Description: Testing Tool (from ARAIG project)
    • Status: Complete
    • Type: Tool
    • Created: 28-May-2021
    • Link: araig.rst
  • Test tools

    • Description: Tools to perform test on a ROS system
    • Status: Complete
    • Type: Tool
    • Created:15-April-2021
    • Link: test_tools.rst