
Calculates grasps for objects using Height Accumulated Features

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

==               PACKAGE: haf_grasping   	        ==

Author:  David Fischinger, Vienna University of Technology
Version: 1.0
Date:	 15.5.2015

is calculating grasp points for unknown and known objects represented by the surface point cloud data.
For scientific foundation see:
D. Fischinger, M. Vincze: "Learning Grasps for Unknown Objects in Cluttered Scenes", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013.
<a href="files/ICRA2013.pdf">[pdf]</a>
D. Fischinger, A. Weiss, M. Vincze: "Learning Grasps with Topographic Features", The International Journal of Robotics Research.

In a first step the point cloud is read from a ROS topic and a heightsgrid is created.
For each 14x14 square of the hightsgrid a featurevector is created. 
Using SVM with an existing model file, it is predicted if the center of the square is a good 
grasping point. For good grasping points the coordinates and the direction of the approach vectors
are published.


>> git 


Start calculation server (does the work), haf_client (small programming incl. class that shows how to use haf_grasping) and a visualization in rviz:

>> roslaunch haf_grasping haf_grasping_all.launch

Publish the path of a point cloud to calculate grasp points on this object with the gripper approaching direction along the z-axis:

>> rostopic pub /haf_grasping/input_pcd_rcs_path std_msgs/String "$(rospack find haf_grasping)/data/pcd2.pcd" -1

(Alternatively, publish a point cloud at the ros topic:  /haf_grasping/depth_registered/single_cloud/points_in_lcs)


RVIZ will now visualize the point cloud with corresponding frame (blue indicates the z-axis). 
Bigger rectangle: indicates the area where heights can be used for grasp calculation
Inner rectangle:  defines the area where grasps (grasp centers) are searched.
Long red line:    indicates the closing direction (for a two finger gripper)
Red/green spots:  indicate the positions where grasps are really tested for the current gripper roll (ignoring points where no calculation is needed, e.g. no data there)
Green bars:       indicate where possible grasps were found. The height of the bars indicate an grasp evaluation score (the higher the better)
Black arrow:      indicates the best grasp position found and the approching direction (for a parallel two finger gripper)


In calc_grasppoints_action_client.cpp we subscribe to a point_cloud topic and start the following callback when a point cloud comes in:

== code start ==

//get goal (input point cloud) for grasp calculation, send it to grasp action server and receive result
void CCalcGrasppointsClient::get_grasp_cb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& pc_in)
	ROS_INFO("\nFrom calc_grasppoints_action_client: point cloud received");

	// create the action client
	// true causes the client to spin its own thread
	actionlib::SimpleActionClient<haf_grasping::CalcGraspPointsServerAction> ac("calc_grasppoints_svm_action_server", true);

	ROS_INFO("Waiting for action server to start.");
	// wait for the action server to start
	ac.waitForServer(); //will wait for infinite time

	ROS_INFO("Action server started, sending goal.");
	// send a goal to the action
	haf_grasping::CalcGraspPointsServerGoal goal;
	goal.graspinput.input_pc = *pc_in;

	goal.graspinput.grasp_area_center = this->graspsearchcenter;

	// set size of grasp search area
	goal.graspinput.grasp_area_length_x = this->grasp_search_size_x+14;
	goal.graspinput.grasp_area_length_y = this->grasp_search_size_y+14;

	// set max grasp calculation time
	goal.graspinput.max_calculation_time = this->grasp_calculation_time_max;

	//send goal

	//wait for the action to return
	bool finished_before_timeout = ac.waitForResult(ros::Duration(50.0));

	if (finished_before_timeout)
	    actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState state = ac.getState();
	    boost::shared_ptr<const haf_grasping::CalcGraspPointsServerResult_<std::allocator<void> > > result = ac.getResult();
	    ROS_INFO("Result: %s", (*(result)).result.data.c_str());
	    ROS_INFO("Action finished: %s",state.toString().c_str());
	    ROS_INFO("Action did not finish before the time out.");

== code end ==


There are a number of parameters that can be set (directly or via a service call). Set grasp search center (in m) to (x=0.1,y=0):

Grasp_center: the x-,y-position, that is the center of the area where grasps are searched.
Service call to change it:

>> rosservice call /haf_grasping/set_grasp_center "graspsearchcenter:
  x: 0.10
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0" 

Grasp_area_size: the size of the area were grasps should be detected. Set rectangle to 16x10 centimeter:

>> rosservice call /haf_grasping/set_grasp_search_area_size "grasp_search_size_x: 16
grasp_search_size_y: 10"

Grasp_calculation_time_max: maximal time in seconds until a grasp has to be returned. Set max timt to 3 sec:

>> rosservice call /haf_grasping/set_grasp_calculation_time_max "max_calculation_time:
  secs: 3
  nsecs: 0" 

== Input == 

A point cloud from objects 

== Output ==

Grasp points and approach vectors which are detected using Support Vector Machines
(at the beginning the approach vectors are parallel to the z-axis) 

== LIBSVM ==

We have included LIBSVM to work as our classifier (go to folder libsvm-3.12 and type "make" after checking out):

Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin, LIBSVM : a library for support
vector machines. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and
Technology, 2:27:1--27:27, 2011. Software available at