
i2c broken?

Zebble opened this issue · 2 comments


  • [X ] I updated to the latest version available
  • [ X] I double-checked my hardware connections
  • [ X] I checked that my MQTT broker is otherwise working

Release with the issue:

Last working release (if known):

Hardware, Operating System, Python version:
Pi 3B, python 3.7.3, raspbian 10.4

Description of problem:

When using i2c, a 'bad i2c bus' error is triggered.

Python errors shown in the logs (if applicable):

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 937, in
detector = AS3935_I2C(interrupt_pin, i2c_address, i2c_bus)
File "/opt/ISP-lightning-mqtt-daemon/AS3935/", line 559, in init
self.device = self.pi.i2c_open(bus, address)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/", line 2674, in i2c_open, _PI_CMD_I2CO, i2c_bus, i2c_address, 4, extents))
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/", line 1009, in _u2i
raise error(error_text(v))
pigpio.error: 'bad I2C bus'

Additional information:

It appears the AS3935_I2C call has address and bus reversed. Changing it to:

detector = AS3935_I2C(interrupt_pin, i2c_address, i2c_bus)

Fixes this problem, but creates another:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 947, in
File "/opt/ISP-lightning-mqtt-daemon/AS3935/", line 194, in set_noise_floor
self.write_byte(0x01, (self.read_byte(0x01) & 0b10001111) + ((noise_floor & 0x07) << 4))
File "/opt/ISP-lightning-mqtt-daemon/AS3935/", line 576, in read_byte
return self.pi.i2c_read_byte_data(self.i2c_device, address)
AttributeError: 'AS3935_I2C' object has no attribute 'i2c_device'

Uncommenting line 42 in fixes the issue:

    # Let our derived classes handle this!
    self.i2c_device = self.pi.i2c_open(bus, address)

Perhaps SPI has become the preferred choice and i2c got broken during the process/addition of adding SPI support?

Ok, no change in preferred. I just broke the code when I reshaped the library into a base and two derived classes.

Changes committed to /master and appear in v2.2.3 and later.

Please advise if this fixes things for you. (Thanks for reporting this!)

Seems to work just fine! Thanks @ironsheep!

I've ran into some inconsistencies in the docs as well. I'll do a pull request shortly and help clean them up.