Problems with reading config.ini file
grilli303 opened this issue · 1 comments
Thank you for this great project.
I use a Raspberry 3b
I tried to follow your instructions step by step,
The wiring for the sensor ist correct and I can detect the lightning sensor adress with i2cdetect.
I created and edit the config.ini file in the following path:
But at the section "Execution", where I can test the code, I get this error:
no matter whether I specify the directory for the config file ("--config" ) or not
pi@raspi3:~ $ python3 /opt/ISP-lightning-mqtt-daemon/ --config /opt/ISP-lightning-mqtt-daemon
[2021-07-12 10:43:05] - * init mqtt_client_connected=[False]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ISP-lightning-mqtt-daemon/", line 155, in
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 717, in read_file
self._read(f, source)
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 1079, in _read
raise MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: File contains no section headers.
file: '/opt/ISP-lightning-mqtt-daemon/config.ini', line: 1
'\ufeff# Configuration file for lightning-detector-MQTT2HA-Daemon\n'
My config.ini file code is here:
Configuration file for lightning-detector-MQTT2HA-Daemon
Uncomment and adapt all settings as needed.
Some settings can be configured by environment variables.
If an env variable is set, it takes precedence over settings in this file
Enable or Disable an endless execution loop (Default: true)
enabled = true
The hostname or IP address of the MQTT broker to connect to (Default: localhost)
Also read from the MQTT_HOSTNAME environment variable
hostname = localhost
The TCP port the MQTT broker is listening on (Default: 1883)
Also read from the MQTT_PORT environment variable
port = 1883
Maximum period in seconds between ping messages to the broker. (Default: 60)
keepalive = 60
NOTE: The MQTT topic used for this device is constructed as:
The MQTT base topic to publish the Lightning detector sensor data topics under.
base_topic = home/nodes
The MQTT name for this Lightning detector sensor
sensor_name = lightningdetector
The MQTT broker authentification credentials (Default: no authentication)
Will also read from MQTT_USERNAME and MQTT_PASSWORD environment variables
#username = dani
#password = pwd123
Enable TLS/SSL on the connection
tls = false
Path to CA Certificate file to verify host
#tls_ca_cert =
Path to TLS client auth key file
#tls_keyfile =
Path to TLS client auth certificate file
#tls_certfile =
Broker connection-failure recovery
Rety connection attempts [default 5]
retry_count = 5
Retry after waiting N seconds [default 30]
retry_wait_in_seconds = 30
This script accumulates detections into buckets (rings if you will) for this period of time [2-10] in minutes [Default: 5]
period_in_minutes = 5
This script accumulates values into [3-7] rings [Default: 5]
number_of_rings = 5
This script can report distances in miles or kilometers (mi, km) [Default: km]
distance_as = km
This script determines that a storm has ended after this period of time [10-60] in minutes [Default: 30]
end_storm_after_minutes = 30
decribe how your sensor is hooked up to your RPi
use values 'I2C' or 'SPI' - default is 'I2C'
sensor_attached = I2C
GPIO pin used for interrupts
intr_pin = 17
The SPI bus and device numbers come from the device file being used.
e.g., /dev/spidev0.0 would be bus=0, device=0
The defaults are 0 and 0 (SPI0 which appears at the GPIO 40pin header)
#spi_bus = 0
#spi_device = 0
Rev. 1 Raspberry Pis should leave bus set at 0, while rev. 2 Pis should set
bus equal to 1. The address should be changed to match the address of the
i2c_bus = 1
i2c_address = 0x03
Value to use for your board
Internal Tuning Capacitors (from 0 to 120pF in steps of 8pf) - A value of [0-15]
run the script with a --tune paramater to determine value for your board
NOTE: this runs for 3 minutes so be patient! Then record your best value here.
tuning_capacitor = 0x1
Indoors (True) = more sensitive (can miss very strong lightnings)
Outdoors (False) = less sensitive (can miss far away lightnings)
detector_afr_gain_indoor = false
#detector_noise_floor = 1
Prevent single isolated strikes from being logged => interrupts begin after
this number of strikes (def: 5, value 1,5,9,16), then are fired normally.
detector_min_strikes = 5
The mqtt connection fails.
Does someone have a idea, what could be the problem ?
Kind regards
Hello, I was able to find the solution to the problem. I had to remove BOM from the config.ini file.
It seems like the editor put this in without my knowledge.