
YARP telemetry component

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

YARP logo YARP telemetry


Since it is under development, we cannot guarantee that the API of libYARP_telemetry and the user interface of telemetryDeviceDumper(the configuration parameters) will not implement breaking changes. Be aware of this if you start using the code contained in this repository, sorry for the unconvenience.

Continuous Integration

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This is the telemetry component for YARP.

Installation from binaries

Conda packages

It is possible to install on linux, macOS and Windows via conda, just running:

conda install -c robotology yarp-telemetry

Installation from sources


The depencies are:


git clone https://github.com/robotology/yarp-telemetry
cd yarp-telemetry
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
[sudo] make install

Notice: sudo is not necessary if you specify the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. In this case it is necessary to add in the .bashrc or .bash_profile the following lines:

export YARP_telemetry_DIR=/path/where/you/installed/


With IDE build tool facilities, such as Visual Studio:

git clone https://github.com/robotology/yarp-telemetry
cd yarp-telemetry
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release
cmake --build . --target INSTALL --config Release

In order to allow CMake finding yarp-telemetry, you have to specify the path where you installed in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or exporting the YARP_telemetry_DIR env variable pointing to the same path.

Export the env variables

  • Add ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/yarp (where ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} needs to be substituted to the directory that you choose as the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) to your YARP_DATA_DIRS enviromental variable (for more on the YARP_DATA_DIRS env variable, see YARP documentation on data directories ).
  • Once you do that, you should be able to find the telemetryDeviceDumper device compiled by this repo using the command yarp plugin telemetryDeviceDumper, which should have an output similar to:
Yes, this is a YARP plugin
  * library:        CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/yarp/yarp_telemetryDeviceDumper.dll
  * system version: 5
  * class name:     yarp::telemetry::experimental::TelemetryDeviceDumper
  * base class:     yarp::dev::DeviceDriver

If this is not the case, there could be some problems in finding the plugin. In that case, just move yourself to the ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/yarp directory and launch the device from there.


In order to use this library in your own appliction add this lines in your CMakeLists.txt

find_package(YARP COMPONENTS telemetry)

target_link_libraries(myApp YARP::YARP_telemetry)

Example scalar variable

Here is the code snippet for dumping in a .mat file 3 samples of the scalar varibles "one" and "two".

    yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferConfig bufferConfig;

    // We use the default config, setting only the number of samples (no auto/periodic saving)
    bufferConfig.n_samples = n_samples;

    yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferManager<int32_t> bm(bufferConfig);
    yarp::telemetry::experimental::ChannelInfo var_one{ "one", {1,1} };
    yarp::telemetry::experimental::ChannelInfo var_two{ "two", {1,1} };

    bool ok = bm.addChannel(var_one);
    ok = ok && bm.addChannel(var_two);
    if (!ok) {
        std::cout << "Problem adding variables...."<<std::endl;
        return 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        bm.push_back({ i }, "one");
        bm.push_back({ i + 1 }, "two");

    if (bm.saveToFile())
        std::cout << "File saved correctly!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Something went wrong..." << std::endl;

And here is the resulting .mat file:

buffer_manager_test =

  struct with fields:

    one: [1×1 struct]
    two: [1×1 struct]


ans =

  struct with fields:

          data: [1×1×3 int32]
    dimensions: [1 1 3]
          name: 'one'
    timestamps: [523132.9969457 523133.1979436 523133.3988861]

Example vector variable

It is possible to save and dump also vector variables. Here is the code snippet for dumping in a .mat file 3 samples of the 4x1 vector variables "one" and "two".

    yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferConfig bufferConfig;
    bufferConfig.auto_save = true; // It will save when invoking the destructor
    bufferConfig.channels = { {"one",{4,1}}, {"two",{4,1}} };
    bufferConfig.filename = "buffer_manager_test_vector";
    bufferConfig.n_samples = 3;

    yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferManager<double> bm_v(bufferConfig);
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        bm_v.push_back({ i+1.0, i+2.0, i+3.0, i+4.0  }, "one");
        bm_v.push_back({ (double)i, i*2.0, i*3.0, i*4.0 }, "two");
buffer_manager_test_vector =

  struct with fields:

    one: [1×1 struct]
    two: [1×1 struct]

>> buffer_manager_test_vector.one

ans =

  struct with fields:

          data: [4×1×3 double]
    dimensions: [4 1 3]
          name: 'one'
    timestamps: [523135.0186688 523135.219639 523135.4203739]

Example matrix variable

Here is the code snippet for dumping in a .mat file 3 samples of the 2x3 matrix variable"one" and of the 3x2 matrix variable "two".

    yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferManager<int32_t> bm_m;
    bm_m.enablePeriodicSave(0.1); // This will try to save a file each 0.1 sec
    bm_m.setDescriptionList({"head", "left_arm"});
    std::vector<yarp::telemetry::experimental::ChannelInfo> vars{ { "one",{2,3} },
                                                    { "two",{3,2} } };

    bool ok = bm_m.addChannels(vars);
    if (!ok) {
        std::cout << "Problem adding variables...."<<std::endl;
        return 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        bm_m.push_back({ i + 1, i + 2, i + 3, i + 4, i + 5, i + 6 }, "one");
        bm_m.push_back({ i * 1, i * 2, i * 3, i * 4, i * 5, i * 6 }, "two");
>> buffer_manager_test_matrix.one

ans =

  struct with fields:

          data: [2×3×3 int32]
    dimensions: [2 3 3]
          name: 'one'
    timestamps: [112104.7605783 112104.9608881 112105.1611651]

Example configuration file

It is possible to load the configuration of a BufferManager from a json file

   yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferManager<int32_t> bm;
   yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferConfig bufferConfig;
   bool ok = bufferConfigFromJson(bufferConfig,"test_json.json");
   ok = ok && bm.configure(bufferConfig);

Where the file has to have this format:

    "description_list": ["This is a test",
                         "Or it isn't?"],
    "filename": "buffer_manager_test_conf_file",
    "n_samples": 20,
    "save_period": 1.0,
    "data_threshold": 10,
    "auto_save": true,
    "save_periodically": true,
    "channels": [
    "enable_compression": true

The configuration can be saved to a json file

    yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferConfig bufferConfig;
    bufferConfig.n_samples = 10;
    bufferConfig.save_period = 0.1; //seconds
    bufferConfig.data_threshold = 5;
    bufferConfig.save_periodically = true;
    std::vector<yarp::telemetry::experimental::ChannelInfo> vars{ { "one",{2,3} },
                                                    { "two",{3,2} } };
    bufferConfig.channels = vars;

    auto ok = bufferConfigToJson(bufferConfig, "test_json_write.json");


The telemetryDeviceDumper is a yarp device that has to be launched through the yarprobotinterface for dumping quantities from your robot(e.g. encoders, velocities etc.) in base of what specified in the configuration.


Parameter name Type Units Default Required Description
axesNames List of strings - - Yes The axes contained in the axesNames parameter are then mapped to the wrapped controlboard in the attachAll method, using controlBoardRemapper class.
logJointVelocity (DEPRECATED) bool - false No Enable the log of joint velocities.
logJointAcceleration (DEPRECATED) bool - false No Enable the log of joint accelerations.
logIEncoders bool - true No Enable the log of encoders, velocity and acceleration (http://yarp.it/git-master/classyarp_1_1dev_1_1IEncoders.html)
logITorqueControl bool - false No Enable the log of torque(http://yarp.it/git-master/classyarp_1_1dev_1_1ITorqueControl.html).
logIMotorEncoders bool - false No Enable the log of motor_encoders, motor_velocity and motor_acceleration (http://yarp.it/git-master/classyarp_1_1dev_1_1IMotorEncoders.html).
logIControlMode bool - false No Enable the log of control_mode (http://yarp.it/git-master/classyarp_1_1dev_1_1IControlMode.html.
logIInteractionMode bool - false No Enable the log of interaction_modes (http://yarp.it/git-master/classyarp_1_1dev_1_1IInteractionMode.html.
logIPidControl bool - false No Enable the log of position_error, position_reference, torque_error, torque_reference(http://yarp.it/git-master/classyarp_1_1dev_1_1IPidControl.html).
logIAmplifierControl bool - false No Enable the log of pwm and current (http://yarp.it/git-master/classyarp_1_1dev_1_1IAmplifierControl.html).
logAllQuantities bool - false No Enable the log all quantities described above.
saveBufferManagerConfiguration bool - false No Enable the save of the configuration of the BufferManager into path+ "bufferConfig" + experimentName + ".json"
json_file string - - No Configure the yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferManagers reading from a json file like in Example configuration file. Note that this configuration will overwrite the parameter-by-parameter configuration
experimentName string - - Yes Prefix of the files that will be saved. The files will be named: experimentName+timestamp+ ".mat".
path string - - No Path of the folder where the data will be saved.
n_samples size_t - - Yes The max number of samples contained in the circular buffer/s
save_periodically bool - false No(but it has to be set to true if auto_save is set to false) The flag for enabling the periodic save thread.
save_period double seconds - Yes(if save_periodically is set to true) The period in seconds of the save thread
data_threshold size_t - 0 No The save thread saves to a file if there are at least data_threshold samples
auto_save bool - false No(but it has to be set to true if save_periodically is set to false) the flag for enabling the save in the destructor of the yarp::telemetry::experimental::BufferManager

Mapping .mat variables -> YARP interfaces

Variable name YARP interface
encoders yarp::dev::IEncoders::getEncoders
velocity yarp::dev::IEncoders::getEncoderSpeeds
acceleration yarp::dev::IEncoders::getEncoderAccelerations
motor_encoders yarp::dev::IMotorEncoders::getMotorEncoders
motor_velocity yarp::dev::IMotorEncoders::getMotorEncoderSpeeds
motor_acceleration yarp::dev::IMotorEncoders::getMotorEncoderAccelerations
control_mode yarp::dev::IControlMode::getControlModes
interaction_mode yarp::dev::IInteractionMode::getInteractionModes
position_error yarp::dev::IPidControl::getPidErrors
position_reference yarp::dev::IPidControl::getPidReferences
torque_error yarp::dev::IPidControl::getPidErrors
torque_reference yarp::dev::IPidControl::getPidReferences

Example of xml

Example of xml file for using it on the iCub robot:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE devices PUBLIC "-//YARP//DTD yarprobotinterface 3.0//EN" "http://www.yarp.it/DTD/yarprobotinterfaceV3.0.dtd">

    <device xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" name="telemetryDeviceDumper" type="telemetryDeviceDumper">
        <param name="axesNames">(torso_pitch,torso_roll,torso_yaw,neck_pitch, neck_roll,neck_yaw,l_shoulder_pitch,l_shoulder_roll,l_shoulder_yaw,l_elbow,l_wrist_prosup,l_wrist_pitch,l_wrist_yaw,r_shoulder_pitch,r_shoulder_roll,r_shoulder_yaw,r_elbow,r_wrist_prosup,r_wrist_pitch,r_wrist_yaw,l_hip_pitch,l_hip_roll,l_hip_yaw,l_knee,l_ankle_pitch,l_ankle_roll,r_hip_pitch,r_hip_roll,r_hip_yaw,r_knee,r_ankle_pitch,r_ankle_roll)</param>
        <param name="logIEncoders">true</param>
        <param name="logITorqueControl">true</param>
        <param name="logIMotorEncoders">true</param>
        <param name="logIControlMode">true</param>
        <param name="logIInteractionMode">true</param>
        <param name="logIPidControl">false</param>
        <param name="logIAmplifierControl">true</param>
        <param name="saveBufferManagerConfiguration">true</param>
        <param name="experimentName">test_telemetry</param>
        <param name="path">/home/icub/test_telemetry/</param>
        <param name="n_samples">100000</param>
        <param name="save_periodically">true</param>
        <param name="save_period">120.0</param>
        <param name="data_threshold">300</param>
        <param name="auto_save">true</param>

        <action phase="startup" level="15" type="attach">
            <paramlist name="networks">
                <!-- motorcontrol and virtual torque sensors -->
                <elem name="left_lower_leg">left_leg-eb7-j4_5-mc</elem>
                <elem name="right_lower_leg">right_leg-eb9-j4_5-mc</elem>
                <elem name="left_upper_leg">left_leg-eb6-j0_3-mc</elem>
                <elem name="right_upper_leg">right_leg-eb8-j0_3-mc</elem>
                <elem name="torso">torso-eb5-j0_2-mc</elem>
                <elem name="right_lower_arm">right_arm-eb27-j4_7-mc</elem>
                <elem name="left_lower_arm">left_arm-eb24-j4_7-mc</elem>
                <elem name="right_upper_arm">right_arm-eb3-j0_3-mc</elem>
                <elem name="left_upper_arm">left_arm-eb1-j0_3-mc</elem>
                <elem name="head-j0">head-eb20-j0_1-mc</elem>
                <elem name="head-j2">head-eb21-j2_5-mc</elem>
                <!-- ft -->

        <action phase="shutdown" level="2" type="detach" />



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


See License