
|| Docker and Docker Compose Data Science Container ||

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Science Container

Looking the log of docker

Looking the log of docker

Looking the log of docker-compose

We allso added the same with docker-compose as an example.

Project Summary

Yo will use this container for developing applications based on default data science tools like scikit-learn, seaborn, matplotlib, etc. as specificed in the .devcontainer/Dockerfile or in .devcontainer/docker-compose.yml file

Files and Folders
  • .devcontainer: docker compose and docker files.
    • docker-compose.yml: docker compose application starter
    • Dockerfile: the default docker container for creation
    • setup_container.bash*: used in the Dockerfile
  • doc: contains all the images located in this document.
  • src: example files to test the container
    • hello.py: simple python example
    • hello.ipynb: simple ipynb example
  • .: this folder contains the root path.
    • .gitignore: used for drop unused files and folders.
    • cleanup.sh: command to clean in docker.
    • README.md: this file
Build and Run the Repository Container with Docker


  • Download this repo
git clone https://github.com/issaiass/DockerDataScience.git
  • Build the container
docker build -t data_science -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile .
  • Run the container depending on the OS and shell
  • On Linux
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "$(pwd):/app" data_science
  • Windows (PowerShell)
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "${PWD}:/app" data_science
  • On Windows (Command Prompt)
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "%cd%:/app" data_science
  • Open a browser and navigate to:
  • This will load the jupyter notebook server on your brownser, enjoy! 🥳
  • Whe you are done and your container is closed you can prune non used images or exited
[Optional] - Building and Tag an Image to push
  • You can also build with a tag
docker build -t issaiass/data_science:v1 -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile .
  • or tag different images
docker build -t issaiass/data_science:latest -t issaiass/data_science:v1 -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile .
  • or pull from docker hub
docker pull issaiass/data_science:v1
  • With docker images remeber to prune the dangling images
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
[Optional] - Building with Docker Compose
  • Pull the container from docker hub
docker pull issaiass/data_science:v1
  • Run the compose command
docker-compose -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile up
  • Stop the container
docker-compose -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile down
Video for Build, Tag, Push and Run Images

This will explaine how to run your container

Other Usefull Commands to Check of Tips
  • For running a container
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "%cd%:/app" data_science /bin/bash -c "python app/src/hello_world.py"
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "%cd%:/app" data_science /bin/bash -c "jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8888 --allow-root --no-browser"
docker run ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
docker exec -it <name or id of running container> bash 

docker run --rm golang go version
docker run --name percy -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
docker stop <containerid>
docker rm <containerid>
docker exec -it e300adf2d22 bash
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 -t myimage:arm-v7
docker manifest inspect golang | grep 'architecture\|os'
docker inspect <container>
docker run -d --name <container_name> -p <host_port:container_port> <container:tag> # run container in the background
NOTE: Ctrl+PQ detachh your shell from the terminal and leave the container running (same as Ctrl+D)
  • For prune in docker
docker container prune -f
docker network prune -f
docker volume prune -f
docker image prune -a -f
docker system prune -a -f
  • Removing images
docker rm <name or id>             # remove an stoped contaier
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)         # remove all co
docker rm $(docker ps -aq) -f      # remove all forcing to not stop (caution to this!)
docker rmi $(docker images -q) -f
docker rmi <name or id>            # remove an image 
docker image prune #delete dangling images
  • List and Check Images
docker ps -aq
docker images --filter-reference=*latest* 
docker image --filter dangling=true
docker images --filter=reference="*:latest*
docker images --format "{{.Repository}}: {{.Tag}}: {{.Size}}" # see image info
  • For tagging and pushing a container
docker -t <username>/<app>:latest <username>/<app>:v1.0
docker push
  • Export, zip and unzip a container
docker export <container_or_id> -o <file_name>.tar 
tar -czvf <file_name>.tar.gz <filename>.tar
tar -xvzf example1.tar.gz -C ./Documents
  • Start, Stop, Build and Push in Docker Compose
docker-compose start
docker-compose stop 
docker-compose restart
docker-compose build
docker-compose push
  • Execute and see logs in docker compose file
docker-compose exec <service_name> <command> 
docker-compose exec web bash
docker-compose run <service_name> <command>
docker-compose run web bash
docker-compose logs
docker-compose logs <service_name>
docker-compose rm
docker-compose config
  • Search and Inspect
docker search opencv 
docker inspect ubuntu:latest
docker images --digests
docker images --digests apline
- Dockerfile
FROM alpine
LABEL maintainer="nigelpoulton@hotmail.com"
# Install Node and NPM
RUN apk add --update nodejs npm curl
# Copy app to /src
COPY . /src
# Install dependencies
RUN  npm install
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "./app.js"]
- Building the dockerfile
docker build -t <image:tag> .doc
- Login
docker login
docker build -t <image:tag> .
docker tag <previmage:prevtag> <repo/currimage:currtag>
docker push <repo/image:tag>
# multiple builds
docker build -t multi:client --target prod-client -f Dockerfile-final .
docker build -t multi:server --target prod-server -f Dockerfile-final .
# build
docker buildx create --driver=docker-container --name=container
docker buildx build --builder=container --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t issaiass/ddd-book:ch8.1 --push .
docker compose up &
docker compose up --detach
docker compose -f <file.yml> up &
docker compose down
docker compose stop
docker compose top
docker volume inspect <name_of_volume> | grep Mount
docker cp <source> <image_name>:<volume_dst>
  • Set a sudo password
sudo password ubuntu
  • For a Docker Swarm
-- configure a docker swarm
multipass launch docker --name mgr1
mount failed: Mounts are disabled on this installation of Multipass.
$ multipass set local.privileged-mounts=true
-- on mgr1
docker swarm init --advertise-addr --listen-addr
docker swarm join-token-manager
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2u4eu6wwapcw0mdiyaobrxcsbtpfcekt6ytk91mlsx5el0ex98-8puwt2nvudf1cftsth8hjssug --advertise-addr <ip>:2377 --listen-addr <ip>:2377
docker swarm join-token-worker
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2u4eu6wwapcw0mdiyaobrxcsbtpfcekt6ytk91mlsx5el0ex98-5qxthczmzhwfahfiajp5kc4p1 --advertise-addr <ip>:2377 --listen-addr <ip>:2377
docker node ls
-- on worker 1
sudo apt install firewalld
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=2377/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
for ssh change on /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PasswordAuthentication from no to yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication from no to yes
docker swarm update --autolock=true
docker node ls
docker swarm update # and enter the key
docker node update --availability drain mgr1
#from a manager
docker service create --name web-fe -p 8080:8080 --replicas 5 nigelpoulton/ddd-book:web0.1
docker service ps web-fe
docker service scale web-fe=7
docker network create -d overlay uber-net # create network
docker service create --name uber-svc --network uber-net -p 8080:8080 --replicas 12 nigelpoulton/ddd-book:web0.1
docker service update --image nigelpoulton/ddd-book:web0.2 --update-parallelism 2 --update-delay 20s uber-svc
  • Docker Networking
docker network ls
ip link show docker0
docker inspect <name of network> | grep bridge.name
docker network create -d bridge localnet # create a localnet bridge driver
docker run -d --name c1 --network localnet alpine sleep 1d # create a new container
docker inspect localnet --format '{{json .Containers}}'
docker run -d --name web --network localnet --publish 5001:80 nginx # create a container named web with network localnet routing 5001 internally to 80
docker port web  
  • Adding enviromental variables in docker-compose
    environment: # for setting environment variables
      - NGINX_HOST=${HOST}
      - NGINX_PORT=${PORT}

Your contributions are always welcome! Please feel free to fork and modify the content but remember to finally do a pull request.

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