Utilities for Raspberry Pi, mostly for usage on a boat. Includes UART control scripts, traffic measurement tools for Mikrotik (RouterOS) and OpenWrt, AIS wireless daemon, AIS decoder and an extensible boat & IoT sensor daemon for Signal K.
- adityadrsLenek Technologies
- andro-galexy
- b9389
- Bering-SeaAlaska
- Coding4Real
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- dtommasiniPetrobras
- FredericGuilbault
- hellyberry
- itemirPacific Ocean
- joedeveloperRemote
- justicelee
- mgrouchUSA
- piotrmichnaPiotr Michna Ogrody Polskie
- rgleasonBoston
- sidenoteemail
- Toolmaker21
- va2sie
- verbatiumCodeborne