
Architectural notes. No hard decisions, but instead notes from research and exploration

Primary LanguageMarkdown

Wharf architecture

This repo contains notes about the architecture. The ones that are unfinished will be found under the stub directory.

We're using neuron for this to turn it into a web page with HTML files instead of markdown files.

All commits to master are deployed there using GitHub pages.


Recommended to use an editor plugin for this. Check the neuron documentation for Editor integration for more info.

For comtributors/maintainers with write access to this repo: It's OK to push to master here, as it's mostly used to keep temporary/draft/stub notes.


Running via docker

This will watch the files for changes, but will not automatically refresh your browser. You'll have to refresh the page manually.

docker run --rm -it -p 8080 -v $(pwd):/notes sridca/neuron neuron rib -Sw

Running via neuron

You can run it locally and have it hosted as a web page to see it rendered.

  1. Install neuron: https://neuron.zettel.page/install.html

  2. Run the rib subcommand to generate and host the files on localhost:8080

    This will watch the files for changes, but will not automatically refresh your browser. You'll have to refresh the page manually.

    # -S makes it host at localhost:8080
    # -w makes it watch for changes and automatically regenerate
    neuron rib -Sw
  3. Visit http://localhost:8080


Building docker image

docker build -t wharf-notes .

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 wharf-notes

Building via neuron

You can also just generate the files and then host it via for example nginx.

  1. Install neuron: https://neuron.zettel.page/install.html

  2. Run the rib subcommand, but without any arguments

    neuron rib
  3. Publish the files found in .neuron/output

Maintained by Iver. Licensed under the MIT license.