
URDF robot model for Gazebo

Primary LanguagePython


Screenshot of robot spawned in Gazebo

A URDF/XACRO model of a simple robot for Gazebo. Differential driver. Laser scan. Tail. Publishing messages. Dynamic reconfiguration.


  1. Check if the Expand Joint Details: false setting in config.rviz is suppressing the showing of the joint. The checkpoint project requires explicit visualization of the joints.
  2. Check why:
    1. the robot caster wheel "sinks" underneath the surface in Gazebo;
    2. why the robot "leans" forward.


  1. Moments of inertia.
  2. Robotnik RB-1.
  3. Gazebo ROS-URDF.
  4. ROS link.
  5. ROS joint.
  6. ROS-URDF Materials. Note that the source is all scripts which parameterize sets of internal Gazebo simulation capabilities.
  7. Gazebo physics friction.
  8. Engineering Toolbox friction.
  9. Gazebo ROS packages and plugins.
  10. Gazebo ROS packages and plugins (Github).
  11. ROS XACRO.
  12. ROS rqt_publisher.
  13. ROS rqt_reconfigure.