
Checkpoint 3

Primary LanguageCMake



cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ivogeorg/robot_info.git
rosrun robot_info robot_info_node or rosrun robot_info agv_robot_info_node
rostopic echo /robot_info (in another terminal)

Submission notes

  1. There are 2 other tags that delimit different implementations.
  2. The AGVRobotInfo::publish_data implementation is less elegant in order to adhere to the requirement that the function is virtual in the RobotInfo base class and overriden in the derived class.
  3. The implementation of the HydraulicSystemMonitor is overengineered in order to adhere to the requirement that there is at least one method. Initially, the data fields were public and accessed directly, but they were converted to (implicitly) private in order to provide a get_params() method. I used the opportunity to try out move semantics. This also required that src/hydraulic_system_monitor.cpp be added to the agv_robot_info_node executable.