
ROS 1 node subscribing to turtlebot's scan messages and publishing velocity messages to the turtlebot

Primary LanguageCMake



  1. avoid_wall.cpp. Specs:

    ROS node:

    1. Create a Publisher that writes into the /cmd_vel topic in order to move the robot.
    2. Create a Subscriber that reads from the /kobuki/laser/scan topic. This is the topic where the laser publishes its data.
    3. Depending on the readings you receive from the laser's topic, you'll have to change the data you're sending to the /cmd_vel topic in order to avoid the wall. This means, use the values of the laser to decide.

    Program logic:

    1. If the laser reading in front of the robot is higher than 1 meter (there is no obstacle closer than 1 meter in front of the robot), the robot will move forward.
    2. If the laser reading in front of the robot is lower than 1 meter (there is an obstacle closer than 1 meter in front of the robot), the robot will turn left.
    3. If the laser reading at the right side of the robot is lower than 1 meter (there is an obstacle closer than 1 meter at the right side of the robot), the robot will turn left.
    4. If the laser reading at the left side of the robot is lower than 1 meter (there is an obstacle closer than 1 meter at the left side of the robot), the robot will turn right.
  2. CMakeLists.txt. To do:
    1. add_executable.
    2. add_dependencies.
    3. target_link_libraries.
    4. Anything specific for messages?
  3. package.xml. To do:
    1. <build_depend>.
    2. <build_export_depend>.
    3. <exec_depend>.
    4. Anything else?