
attempt a non-bash pipeline in nextflow

Primary LanguageNextflow

A Nextflow Pipeline -- implementing a non-bash pipeline

In this case, this nextflow script is wrapping a popular R package, WGCNA.

What is the WGCNA R package?

The WGCNA R package builds “weighted gene correlation networks for analysis” from expression data. It was originally published in 2008 and has been used in recent Maize papers for gray leaf disease response (Yu et al, 2018) and development/nutrient/metabolism/stress response (Ma et al, 2017). The original WGCNA publication is below:

More information

Installing WGCNA

# Ah, looks like WGCNA is now available directly on CRAN

Running the Nextflow WGCNA pipeline

Here we have wrapped R's WGCNA pipeline in Nextflow dsl2. WGCNA expects RNAseq counts provided as either a Excel (--xlsx RNASeq.xlsx) or as a delimited textfile (--file RNASeq.csv --delim ','). The help statement with full usage descriptions can be printed using --help as shown below:

$ nextflow run j23414/wgcna_nf -r main --help

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.07.1
Launching `main.nf` [nasty_leavitt] - revision: 88e77ac875
   The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
   nextflow run main.nf --xlsx RNASeq.xlsx
   nextflow run main.nf --file RNASeq.csv --delim ','

   Mandatory arguments:
    --xlsx                  Excel file containing RNASeq counts where [columns = treatment; rows = genes/gene-probes]
    --file                  Text file containing RNASeq counts where [columns = treatment; rows = genes/gene-probes]
    --delim                 Specifies the delimiter of the textfile [default: '\t']

   Optional configuration arguments:
    -profile                Configuration profile to use. Can use multiple (comma separated)
                            Available: local, condo, atlas, singularity [default:local]

   Optional other arguments:

Main insights of wrapping an R package in Nextflow:

  • Pass data between R processes via RData files

    load(\"$input_RData\")                        # <- load in prior data
    # ... R commands here
    save(data1, data2, data3, file = \"${input_RData.simpleName}.RData\")  #<- save output data
  • Remember to escape double quotation marks inside nextflow script blocks

  • Remember to escape R's $ characters inside of nextflow script blocks (e.g. data\$column)

Case Study: Rerun the WGCNA tutorial using the Nextflow pipeline

Fetch the WGCNA Tutorial dataset

wget https://horvath.genetics.ucla.edu/html/CoexpressionNetwork/Rpackages/WGCNA/Tutorials/FemaleLiver-Data.zip
unzip FemaleLiver-Data.zip

#> Archive:  FemaleLiver-Data.zip
#>  inflating: ClinicalTraits.csv      
#>  inflating: GeneAnnotation.csv      
#>  inflating: LiverFemale3600.csv 

Run pipeline on dataset

nextflow run main.nf --file LiverFemale3600.csv --delim ','

#> N E X T F L O W  ~  version 20.07.1
#> Launching `main.nf` [mighty_baekeland] - revision: 8637eacc2a
#> Hello world
#> executor >  local (8)
#> [5c/a28202] process > read_delim (LiverFemale3600.csv)                          [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
#> [36/c7438a] process > plot_expression (LiverFemale3600.RData)                   [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
#> [59/902695] process > prep_data (LiverFemale3600.RData)                         [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
#> [75/81ab29] process > pick_soft_threshold (LiverFemale3600_mat.RData)           [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
#> [ee/8c1265] process > wgcna_network (LiverFemale3600_mat.RData)                 [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
#> [c5/cf6235] process > append_clusters (LiverFemale3600_mat_clusters.RData)      [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
#> [78/15a7b3] process > toExcel (LiverFemale3600_clusters.RData)                  [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
#> [f1/ca90a5] process > plot_expression_clusters (LiverFemale3600_clusters.RData) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
#> ...created:  results/LiverFemale3600_matTOM-block.1.RData
#> ...created:  results/wgcna_modules.png
#> ...created:  results/LiverFemale3600_mat_clusters.RData
#> ...created:  results/LiverFemale3600_clusters.xlsx
#> ...created:  results/expression_clusters.png
#> Completed at: 05-Nov-2020 13:24:12
#> Duration    : 2m 6s
#> CPU hours   : (a few seconds)
#> Succeeded   : 8


Nextflow pipelines can also plot the directed acyclic graph (dag) of the pipeline using -with-dag flowchart.png

nextflow run main.nf --file LiverFemale3600.csv --delim ',' -resume -with-dag flowchart.png

Girl in a jacket

Output Plots


Girl in a jacket


Girl in a jacket


Girl in a jacket


Girl in a jacket