
GT pose of the YCB dataset is strange

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Hi, thanks for sharing your code!
The pose array from the metafile is strange, they have a shape with(3,4), (4,3), and (4,4).

For example, in the scene 00001/000005-meta.mat, the meta['pose'] = [[ 0.994375 -0.101504 0.0302549 0.07000585]
[-0.0357059 -0.590176 -0.806485 0.13960156]
[ 0.0997172 0.800868 -0.59048 1.08210617]]
[[ 0.99682217 -0.66709934 -0.98591953 0.67320229]
[-0.07169833 -0.74246254 0.1671971 0.73916946]
[ 0.03472134 0.06106711 -0.00285112 0.02068367]
[-0.0321408 -0.07229631 0.1321786 0.17324216]].

However, the ycb_dataset.py read the pose following the way below:
r = meta['poses'][:, :, i][:, 0:3] t = np.array(meta['poses'][:, :, i][:, 3:4].flatten()[:, None])
As for the shape with (4,4)
then the t-vector=[0.67320229, 0.73916946, 0.02068367], it so strange as the value of z-axis is too small.