
Reproducible code archive for "Automatic Determination of NET (Neutrophil Extracellular Traps) Coverage in Fluorescent Microscopy Images" by Coelho et al.

Primary LanguagePython

Determination of NET Content

This package contains support material (code & data) for the paper:

Automatic Determination of NET (Neutrophil Extracellular Traps) Coverage in Fluorescent Microscopy Images by Luis Pedro Coelho, Catarina Pato, Ana Friães, Ariane Neumann, Maren von Köckritz-Blickwede, Mário Ramirez, and João André Carriço, Bioinformatics 2015 (accepted) DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv156.

Use in academic publications should cite the paper above.

Code is provided under the MIT license.


Original data is available in the directory data/. The naming structure is as follows:

  • prefix "image"
  • nr of the sample
  • nr of the field inside the sample
  • channel (protein, dna, rois, or rois2).

For example, the file image_25_00_protein.png is from image 25, index 0, and is the protein channel. The ROI files are the result of human labeling.

See the manuscript for details on data acquisition.

Source code

The source code is split into two directories

  • nets this is the library code, which is useful to adapt to new projects.
  • reproduce in this directory, you will find all the necessary code to reproduce all figures in the paper (including supplemental material).

In addition, there are two helper scripts:


predict_image.py returns a prediction for a single input file. It takes two arguments, which should be the image files for the DNA and histone channels, respectively:

python predict_image.py ../data/image_00_00_dna.png ../data/image_00_00_protein.png

If it cannot find a model to load, then it runs the create_model.py script.

This needs to be run once to learn the model from the data. It will look at the files in the directory ../data/ for its input. Running this step may require a lot of memory! If you do not have enough in your machine, you can adjust the --n-estimators parameter to a smaller value.

We only recommend that you use our model trained on our data if your images are very similar to ours. Otherwise, you can still use our software, but we recommend you provide our system some training data.

The simplest way to reuse the software is to replace the images in the data/ directory by your own (using the same naming format: prefix_dna.png, prefix_protein.png, and prefix_rois.png forming a triple). Note that the _rois.png image should be a labeled image (i.e., pixels with value 0 correspond to background, pixels with value 1 correspond to the first area of interest, pixels with value 2 to the second area of interest, ...).

Alternatively, there is a detailed tutorial on how to adapt the library for new uses in the file tutorial.rst.


For running on your own data:

  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • mahotas

Additionally, for reproducing our experiments:

  • jug
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn

The file requirements.txt in the source-code directory lists all the requirements. If you have permission to do so, running the following command inside that directory should install all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If this fails, try:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Reproducing the paper

The results of the paper can be reproduced on a Unix-like machine by running the reproduce.sh script inside source-code/reproduce after having installed the the requirements as listed above.

To use multiple processors, edit this script and set the value of the NR_CPUS variable.


This is the central file which runs the whole analysis
This script performs the reported comparison between the two operators
This script evaluates Bernsen thresholding for different sets of parameters
This builds a side-by-side Figure showing differences between operators.
This draws composite images for all inputs images