
A Control Systems Toolbox for Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION


ControlSystems ControlSystems Build Status Coverage Status Latest

A control systems design toolbox for Julia.


To install, in the Julia REPL:


Note that the latest version of this package requires Julia 0.5. Users of Julia 0.4 should use v0.1.4 instead.


All functions have docstrings, which can be viewed from the REPL, using for example ?tf .

A documentation website under developement is available at http://juliacontrol.github.io/ControlSystems.jl/latest/.

Some of the available commands are:

Constructing systems

ss, tf, zpk, ss2tf


pole, tzero, norm, norminf, ctrb, obsv, gangoffour, margin, markovparam, damp, dampreport, zpkdata, dcgain, covar, gram, sigma, sisomargin


care, dare, dlyap, lqr, dlqr, place, pid, leadlink, laglink, leadlinkat, rstd, rstc, dab

Time and Frequency response

step, impulse, lsim, freqresp, evalfr, bode, nyquist


lsimplot, stepplot, impulseplot, bodeplot, nyquistplot, sigmaplot, marginplot, gangoffourplot, pidplots, pzmap, nicholsplot, pidplots, rlocus, leadlinkcurve


minreal, sminreal, c2d


This toolbox works similar to that of other major computer-aided control systems design (CACSD) toolboxes. Systems can be created in either a transfer function or a state space representation. These systems can then be combined into larger architectures, simulated in both time and frequency domain, and analyzed for stability/performance properties.


Here we create a simple position controller for an electric motor with an inertial load.

using ControlSystems

# Motor parameters
J = 2.0
b = 0.04
K = 1.0
R = 0.08
L = 1e-4

# Create the model transfer function
s = tf("s")
P = K/(s*((J*s + b)*(L*s + R) + K^2))
# This generates the system
# TransferFunction:
#                1.0
# ---------------------------------
# 0.0002s^3 + 0.160004s^2 + 1.0032s
#Continuous-time transfer function model

# Create an array of closed loop systems for different values of Kp
CLs = TransferFunction[kp*P/(1 + kp*P) for kp = [1, 5, 15]];

# Plot the step response of the controllers
# Any keyword arguments supported in Plots.jl can be supplied
stepplot(CLs, label=["Kp = 1", "Kp = 5", "Kp = 15"])
