
The following repository contains code to the papaer 'End to End Spoken Language Diarization with Wav2vec Embeddings' which has been accepted in Interspeech 2023 (https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2023/mishra23_interspeech.html).


Most of the Code-switched language suffers from primary language biasness. This is due to the unavailibility of of sufficient secondary language data. Our approach uses the pretrained features from a W2V model instead of using x-vector initially, which provides a performance improvement of around 30.7% in terms of Jaccard error rate (JER) over the baseline x-vector-based E2E (X-E2E) framework. The performance is furthur improved by using finetuned features from the W2V model and and modifying the temporal aggregation strategy from statistical pooling to attention pooling. The Final performance achieved in terms of JER is 22.5, which provides a relative improvement of 38.8% and 62.6% over the standalone W2V fine-tuned and the baseline X-E2E framework, respectively.


In the above figure (a) W2V pretraining (b) W2V finetuning. We extract a 768 dimensional feature vector during the pretraining and finetuning stage and then Statistical and Attentional Pooling is performed as shown in (c) and (d)



  • Python>=3.8
  • torch>1.6

The installation and training the W2V model during the pretraining and finetuning stage is same as fairseq-vakyansh

Extract W2V2 features

  • Download the pretrained CLSRIL-23 pretrained model which is trained on approxiametly 10,000 hours of speech data in 23 Indian languages.
  • Download the finetuned model from the link below or train a finetuned model using fairseq-vakyansh
model link
Gujrati.pt Link
Tamil.pt Link
Telegu.pt Link

After downloading the finetuned checkpoint follow the following steps in order to extract finetuned features from the model:

  • Load the checkpoint using torch.load(path/to/checkpoint_best.pt)
  • Change the path in the model to where the CLSRIL-23.pt checkpoint is located path['cfg']['model']['w2v_path']='path/where/the/checkpoint/is/located/CLSRIL-23.pt'
  • Save the new checkpoint to a new location torch.save(path, 'checkpoint_new.pt')

Running the code

  • After extracting the features (pretrained/finetuned). Create a .tsv file for both the train and validation set containing the path to the .npy array and its corresponding labels. The .tsv file shold be in the following format.
path/to/numpy_array1.npy  SSEEGSSE...
path/to/numpy_array2.npy  SGEEGGSE...
path/to/numpy_array3.npy  SEEEGESE...
path/to/numpy_array4.npy  SSEEGGSE...
  • To train a W2V-ES (Statistical Pooling) by using the following command
python WaveBase.py --savedir "/data/KLESLD/Final_checkpoints/WavBase/Telagu_pre" \
 --train "/data/KLESLD/Dataset_WV2/Telugu/Train/WAVData.tsv" \
 --test "/data/KLESLD/Dataset_WV2/Telugu/Dev/WAVData.tsv" \
 --seed 0 --device 0 --batch 32 --epochs 60 --lang 3 --model my_base_model --lr 0.0001 --maxlength 666 --lmbda 0.5 --fll "T"
  • To train a W2V-EA (Attention Pooling) by using the following command
python WaveAttention.py --savedir "/data/KLESLD/Final_checkpoints/WavBase/Telagu_pre" \
 --train "/data/KLESLD/Dataset_WV2/Telugu/Train/WAVData.tsv" \
 --test "/data/KLESLD/Dataset_WV2/Telugu/Dev/WAVData.tsv" \
 --seed 0 --device 0 --batch 32 --epochs 60 --lang 3 --model my_attention_model --lr 0.0001 --maxlength 666 --lmbda 0.5 --fll "T"
Note: To train a Gujrati or Tamil pretrained/finetuned model change --fll to 'G' or 'T' accordingly.



author={Jagabandhu Mishra and Jayadev N Patil and Amartya Chowdhury and Mahadeva Prasanna},

title={{End to End Spoken Language Diarization with Wav2vec Embeddings}},


booktitle={Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023},


