
ROS2 humble, Ubuntu 22.04, ros1_bridge, and Docker [build problems]

Primary LanguagePython



This repository is an attempt to build Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy with ROS2 humble, Webots simulator, and ros1_bridge in a Docker devel container feasible for building with colcon.

Problem statement:

How to make a docker development image that will contain Webots dependencies, allow for build the workspace packages by a developer, and be able to run ros1_bridge?

Important notes:

Official guide: Using ros1_bridge with upstream ROS on Ubuntu

Current image build consumes 16GB and takes ~1.5h to build (ROS2 from sources).

Please note that ros1_bridge and rosbridge are totally different, unrelated packages.

Please consider building docker image targets dev and dev-2. Both are for ROS2 devel image, and currently fail.


  • Solve the problem: after installing ros1_bridge, colcon build fails, there are unmet dependencies for Webots simulator (but Webots was installed before). Example ros2 workspace is provided for tests.
  • Show how to correctly use ROS2 binaries in a multistage build such that they are combined with ros1_bridge that cannot be otherwise built with ros2_binaries on a non-docker system.
  • Reduce image size and build time



TIP: Use arrow keys to navigate through a shell commnds history preloaded to the container.*

Common Error messages:

Trying to build the workspace: Example missing packges:

  • ament_lint
  • webots_ros2_driver
  • and others


source /opt/ros/humble/local_setup.bash

Workspace builds, but now:

Getting the following issues when trying to start ros1_bridge:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
dockeruser@dell:~/ros2_ws$ ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge
/ros1_bridge/install/ros1_bridge/lib/ros1_bridge/dynamic_bridge: error while loading shared libraries: libroscpp.so.4d: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[ros2run]: Process exited with failure 127

If you are able to get "ERROR UNABLE TO CONTACT LOCAL HOST 13111..." at ros1_bridge startup, it means that ros1_bridge will work well if set up correctly. If you are able to get this "unable" error at the same time when workspace is built correctly, you have solved the problems.