
Scripts used for analysis of single cell RNA-Seq data presented in Markos 2024 paper.

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Markos 2024: Cell type and regulatory analysis in amphioxus illuminates evolutionary origin of the vertebrate head


This repository contains scripts and input data used for analysis of single cell RNA-Seq data presented in Markos et al. 2024[1]. Data consist of four 10X datasets, each representing selected stage of Amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) embryonic development. Aim of the analyses is to annotate the data and investigate developmental trajectories (transitions) across the identified celltypes and stages (timepoints) according to the hypotheses presented in the paper. In addition, SAMap[2] analysis is conducted to quantify homology between cell types in presented Amphioxus expression data and Zebrafish single cell atlas.

The recommended way to reproduce the analysis is cloning the repository, using provided Dockerfile to build corresponding image and running bash -i run.sh script within respective docker container in the repository path. Some large input files must be downloaded or generated manually prior to the execution, see below.



SAMap analysis requires some input files too large to be stored within the repository:

  1. URD object URD_Zebrafish_Object.rds along with URD_Dropseq_Meta.txt cell metadata table, available for download after signing into Zebrafish single cell atlas. Both need to be put into SAMap/input_data.
  2. Reciprocal blast results between amphioxus GCA_000003815.2 transcripts and zebrafish Ensembl 81 GRCz10 proteins, generated using map_genes.sh in SAMap repository (use species identifiers 'bf' for amphioxus and 'dr' for zebrafish). Resulting .txt files need to be put into SAMap/input_data/maps_prot/bfdr.


Full environment can be recreated by Dockerfile. In cases when using Docker is not feasible, environment can be recreated manually. The annotation part was run under R 4.2.1 and Seurat 4.3.0. The transitions and SAMap part requires installation of some extra R and Python packages, handled preferentially by recreation of conda environments. We also provide renv.lock file to manually install all necessary R packages and environment.yml files to recreate conda environment for the Python part. Please refer to renv and conda manuals. Code is tested under Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS. Installation of R, all R packages and conda environment should take up to 60 minutes, depending on hardware performance and download speed. Conversion of R objects to h5ad files includes installation of special conda environments during analysis execution. This needs to be completed only once after installation or docker container initialization and is done automatically by zellkonverter R package commands within the scripts.

Analyses description

Canonical steps of Seurat workflow were used to load, filter, normalize and cluster expression matrices of individual timepoints (provided here). Clusters were annotated in supervised manner based on known sets of markers, see the paper for details. Scripts describing timepoints analyses generate graphical output and are meant to be run interactively using e.g. RStudio or other R compatible IDE. They also output final Seurat objects in RDS format, which are used for downstream transitions analysis. We present the transitions analysis scripts in R Markdown format (with exception of some technical steps) for smoother readability and execution with e.g. rmarkdown::render('01_Integration.Rmd'). SAMap workflow uses python only, therefore, jupyter notebooks are used here.

All script files have their description in the header with some hints where appropriate. Paths are set as relative, meaning the code can be run from the downloaded repository directly, with R script's working directory being set to the same path as the source files.

To save computational time, we provide precomputed cell-by-cell transition probabilities matrix, which serves as an input to the last part of transitions workflow. This is used as default, to recompute the transition matrix de novo, please reset respective parameters in 04_Urd_transition_matrix.Rmd and 05_Transition_graphs.Rmd headers. This will increase running time substantially.

SAMap workflow requires external input data from Farrell et al 2018[3]. We use URD object and metadata table downloaded from Single Cell Portal which is converted to h5ad files using zebra_convert_URD.R. Gene ids from URD object were mapped to Ensembl 81 GRCz10 protein ids using gene symbols and ZFIN symbols obtained from Ensembl 81 BioMart. 1 vs 1 comparisons of selected individual stages are executed from jupyter notebook templates parameterized by configuration files with run_1to1_comparisons.sh.

Quick demonstration

We provide a wrapper script file R_demo.r which executes annotation analysis for all timepoints and outputs pdf images comprising main Figure 1 into the Results directory. This directory also contains respective original images, allowing confirmation of successful execution. Use Rscript ./R_demo.R (running time is around 6 minutes).

Content listing

The content listing is presented in order of the workflow logic: The individual timepoints first, then the transitions part and finally SAMap. We provide also cell metadata table, resulting matrix of transition probabilities and gene id conversion table. Direct code output is not part of the repository.

  • 10X_matrices

    • G4; N0; N2; N5 directories: outputs of 10X cellranger count pipeline (filtered expression matrices), inputs for the individual timepoints analyses
    • gene_id_conversion_table.csv: gene id mapping between BraFlo100 and BraLan3 gene models, used to convert gene ids while loading the 10X data with Seurat
  • Individual_timepoints

    • Amphi*stage.R: Seurat workflow used to process individual timepoints data separately
    • EvidenceCrest_N5.R: visualization of Crest population markers in N5 stage as used in supplementary data
    • PrechordalPlate_Vs_Notochord_N0.R: investigation and visualization of genes specific for Prechordal Plate and Notochord populations in N0 stage
    • Zebrafish_Markers.R: visualization of Prechodral Plate and Notochord markers published in zebrafish
  • Transitions

    • software directory

      • renv.lock: "lockfile" describing used R packages and their dependencies, to be used with renv::restore() within R in the repository directory

      • environment.yml: exported conda environment describing used Python modules and their dependencies, to be used with conda env create -f environment.yml

    • 01_Integration.Rmd: MNN integration of individual timepoints

    • 02_Convert_to_anndata.R: conversion of integrated data from R native format to Python native format

    • 03_Cytotrace_pseudotime.py: calculation of CytoTRACE pseudotime of integrated data

    • 04_Urd_transition_matrix.Rmd: generation of transition matrix using modified URD approach

    • 05_Transition_graphs.Rmd: processing of transition matrices, presenting them as directed graphs and exporting

    • _functions.R: special functions used throughout the transitions workflow

  • SAMap

    • environment.yml: exported conda environment describing used Python modules and their dependencies for SAMap workflow
    • analysis: jupyter notebooks, templates, configs and helper scripts directing the SAMap analysis
    • input_data: scripts for generating h5ad files for SAMap (data for zerbrafish are not provided here) and gene id maps
  • Results

    • Fig1_*_original.pdf: precomputed output of R_demo.R
    • tm_original.RDS: precomputed transition probabilities matrix
  • Export

    • Cell_metadata.csv: celltype assignment of cells present in the analyses (all timepoints merged) with integrated UMAP coordinates used in the paper (not generated by the repository code)
    • Transition_matrix_celltype_timepoint.xlsx: resulting transition matrix in different transformations, each in own sheet with description (formatted in spreadsheet editor)

  1. Cell type and regulatory analysis in amphioxus illuminates evolutionary origin of the vertebrate head. Markos A., et al. Nature Communications ↩︎

  2. Mapping single-cell atlases throughout Metazoa unravels cell type evolution. Tarashansky, Alexander J., et al. Elife 10 (2021): e66747. ↩︎

  3. Single-cell reconstruction of developmental trajectories during zebrafish embryogenesis. Farrell J. A. & Wang Y., et al. Science 26 Apr 2018. doi: 10.1126/science.aar3131 ↩︎