A collection of awesome Odin libraries, bindings, software and resources 🧙♂️✨
- akuspel
- appybara13
- BlackHole00Somewhere... Idk.
- blob1807Australia
- brianpmaherIgnis Technologies
- brunodeangelisBuenos Aires, Argentina
- candtechsoftware
- CoolDove
- DamienPetrilli
- dan1antItaly
- elloramirPoP - RN
- fhomolka
- flysand7russia
- FourteenBrushBelgium
- furtidev@thestraytech
- GCodergrQiiwi Games
- harrisyu
- HyrtwolDenmark
- jakubtomsuPrague
- joaocarvalhoopenPortugal - Lisbon
- jonesaustindevLanding
- josdelienThe Netherlands
- joyousblunder
- KalinMagusUS
- laytanRepublic-M! Group
- lordhippo@Crytek
- MineBillGreece
- PowerBringerEPAM Systems
- PythagoRascal
- quonicDallas
- scooberyLondon, ON, Canada
- suturar
- thetarnavWrocław, Poland
- ttoeGermany
- Z7-Z7L
- zubairshaikee