Quarto Template PhD Thesis - The University of Edinburgh
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- alexespinosacoUniversidad de Antioquia
- AngelBerihueteUniversidad de Cádiz
- baptisteWellington, New Zealand
- CarlColglazierChicago, IL
- cipaoliniKU Leuven
- ckrishanuIDinsight
- coolsteed
- danieltomaszGhent University
- ElhamyaliBeeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation
- f-quant
- georgeoshardoUniversity of Cambridge
- hamedmehranfarETHZ
- HeldvonKosmos
- jdh-pml
- jdrochmann
- jibarozzoTulane University
- JonathanEMillarUniversity of Edinburgh
- jwen-psy
- kaedonkersUniversity of Exeter
- kevinPerezGarciahttps://www.dile.com.pe/
- kizen777Graduate School of Mukogawa Women’s University
- LisaKimberly
- mbrayley
- mjxstoweUniversity of New South Wales
- n4tur3v2
- nathanw23
- normansimonrColombia, South America
- ogbinar
- pvandyken
- rraadd88
- Susana465University of Edinburgh
- waterfirstSamsung Display
- willking98
- yenchiayiR-Ladies Taipei, Mannheim Business School