
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Yet Another Multi-Phase Trajectory Optimization Framework

YAMTOF provides a simple and convenient interface for writing multi-phase optimal control problems.
Its features include:

  • Direct collocation using splines
  • h-method mesh refinement (not automatic, triggered by the user)
  • Transcription to a standard nonlinear optimization problem
  • Tried and tested default solver configuration
  • Interpolation of the resulting states, inputs and additional outputs

See /yamtof/examples for usage examples.

Installation and Test

In a command line with Python 3 installed, run:

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
pip install yamtof
python -m yamtof.examples.falcon9_rtls

Afterwards, the working directory should contain figures from the example problem.


  • Python 3.7
  • CasADi with its included IPOPT and MUMPS solvers.

Example (Brachistochrone)

from yamtof.mocp import MultiPhaseOptimalControlProblem
from casadi import cos, sin, pi, sqrt, linspace, fabs, mmax, DM

mocp = MultiPhaseOptimalControlProblem()
start = lambda a: mocp.start(a)
end   = lambda a: mocp.end(a)
phase_name = 'phaseA'
duration = mocp.create_phase(phase_name, init=0.01, n_intervals=1)

# Add time-dependent variables
x            = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'x')
y            = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'y')
speed        = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'speed', init=1.0)
path_angle   = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'path_angle')
angular_rate = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'angular_rate', init=0.4)

# Slack variables for final state soft constraints
slack_final_x = mocp.add_variable('slack_final_x', init=10.0)
slack_final_y = mocp.add_variable('slack_final_y', init=10.0)
mocp.add_constraint(slack_final_x > 0)
mocp.add_constraint(slack_final_y > 0)

param_final_x   = mocp.add_parameter('param_final_x', init=(1.5 * pi + 1.0))
param_initial_y = mocp.add_parameter('param_initial_y', init=1.0)

# Dynamics: Ball rolling on a ramp with a controllable slope angle
mocp.set_derivative(x, speed * cos(path_angle))
mocp.set_derivative(y, speed * sin(path_angle))
mocp.set_derivative(speed,    -sin(path_angle))
mocp.set_derivative(path_angle,   angular_rate)

# Hard initial constraints
mocp.add_constraint(start(x)     == 0)
mocp.add_constraint(start(y)     == param_initial_y)
mocp.add_constraint(start(speed) == 0)

# Soft final constraints
mocp.add_constraint(end(x) < param_final_x + slack_final_x)
mocp.add_constraint(end(x) > param_final_x - slack_final_x)
mocp.add_constraint(end(y) <  slack_final_y)
mocp.add_constraint(end(y) > -slack_final_y)

# Disallow multiple rotations
mocp.add_path_constraint(path_angle > -pi)
mocp.add_path_constraint(path_angle < pi)

# Positive phase duration
mocp.add_constraint(duration > 0.01)

# Minimize time and distance to target
mocp.add_objective(100 * slack_final_x)
mocp.add_objective(100 * slack_final_y)

# Add mechanical energy output, to demonstrate output evaluation
mocp.add_path_output('energy', y + 0.5*speed**2)

### Problem done, solve it
mocp.phases[phase_name].change_time_resolution(8) # Refine mesh and solve again

# Interpolate result and compare with analytic solution
tau_grid = linspace(0.0,1.0,801)
t_grid = tau_grid * mocp.get_value(duration)
result_interpolated = mocp.phases[phase_name].interpolate(tau_grid)

analytic_solution = dict()
analytic_solution['x']          = t_grid - sin(t_grid)
analytic_solution['y']          = cos(t_grid)
analytic_solution['speed']      = sqrt(2.0 - 2.0 * cos(t_grid))
analytic_solution['path_angle'] = (t_grid - pi)/2
analytic_solution_duration = 1.5 * pi

print('error duration:     ', mmax(fabs(mocp.get_value(duration) - analytic_solution_duration)))
print('error energy:       ', mmax(fabs(DM(result_interpolated['outputs']['energy']) - 1.0)))
for trajectory_name in analytic_solution:
    errors = result_interpolated['trajectories'][trajectory_name] - analytic_solution[trajectory_name]
    print(('error ' + trajectory_name + ':                  ')[:20], mmax(fabs(errors)))