
FaceID to Hologram all-in-one script

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


FaceID to Hologram all-in-one script

Hardware Requirements

  • iPhone/iPad with FaceID camera and Record3d app with unlocked USB streaming (In-app purchase)
  • Looking Glass holographic display

Software Requirements


  • Python 3 with following modules opencv-python, scikit-image, record3d, diff_match_patch



See it in action here and here.


  • If you plan on using HoloSkype without the HoloPlay service with hardcoded calibration values, get yours here and use them to replace my values on row 51.
  • If you are using a single computer as both server and client, you might have to reduce FPS on row 36. I recommend using a PC as a server and iPad as a client for best results.


  • Initial release
  • LiDAR sensor support
  • Texture effects (Edge/Jet)
  • WebKit compatibility


I saw this demo made with Unity and I decided to re-create it using open web technologies. This demo then inspired me to add the edge effect.


  1. Record3d Python Demo App [link]
  2. Stack Overflow answer on MJEPG streamer [link]
  3. Stack Overflow answer on turning depth map into a point cloud with Three.js [link]
  4. Thomas Le Coz's HoloPlay.js demo [link]