Face Intrinsic Images


Renders a face along with its reflectance, depth, surface normals, shading.


  1. ./setup.sh to download the principle components from the 3D Face Morphable Model.

  2. Generate a numpy array with face identities and render parameters of the form:

[ [identity, filename, savepath, orientation, position], ... ]

where identity is a 400-length list of Morphable Model coefficients, orientation is given as a list of degrees [rot_x, rot_y, rot_z], and position is a list of coordinates [x, y, z]. There is an example in make_array.py.

  1. ./run.sh to call render.py from Blender's Python. You'll need to point to your Blender folder and possibly a folder with Python3 scipy (if your Blender Python does not have it). You can modify the lighting parameters and the subset of the array that is rendered for parallel jobs.