
ROS node for receiving lap time data from the optic barrier using Arrowhead Framework.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


ROS node for receiving lap time data from the optic barrier using Arrowhead Framework. Note: This is built on ah-ros-bridge-example.

This application serves as an Arrowhead wrapper for the Optic barrier of f1tenth-scoreapp race measuring system. It register itself as an Arrowhead Service laptime consumer and uses Arrowhead Core orchestration to find available barriers (providers).

The Service laptime has following metadata:

  • address -- preferred IP address of the barrier

Note: The node currently connects to the first received barrier only using preferred address (if available).

Data received from the optic barrier (lap time) are published to topic lap_time using std_msgs/Time message.


Starting up

  1. Obtain certificates (.p12, .pub) for your system from your local Arrowhead Core.
  2. Obtain also the certificate authority .ca for your cloud.
  3. Create a configuration file configuration.py.
  4. Run the ROS node.

Example configuration

Note: This is currently stored inside ./ah_ros_barrier/module/configuration.py.

Server = ArrowheadServer(
    address = "",

Interface = ArrowheadInterface(
    name = "HTTP-INSECURE-JSON",

Service = ArrowheadService(
    name = "laptime",

Client = ArrowheadClient(
    name = "ros-machine",
    address = "",
    port = 0,
    pubfile = "/home/machine/keys/ros-machine.pub",
    p12file = "/home/machine/keys/ros-machine.p12",
    p12pass = "abcd",
    cafile = "/home/machine/keys/cloud.ca",
    server = Server,
    interfaces = [Interface],