Learning One Representation to Optimize All Rewards

This repo contains code for the paper

Learning One Representation to Optimize All Rewards. Ahmed Touati, Yann Ollivier. NeurIPS 2021

Install Requirements

pip install 'gym[atari]'
pip install torch
pip install opencv-python
# Baselines for Atari preprocessing
# Tensorflow is a dependency, but you don't need to install the GPU version
conda install tensorflow
pip install git+git://github.com/openai/baselines
# AtariARI (Atari Annotated RAM Interface)
pip install git+git://github.com/mila-iqia/atari-representation-learning.git

Instruction to run the code

If you want to use GPU, just add the flag --cuda.

  1. train discrete maze:
python grid_main.py \
    --agent FB \
    --n-cycles 25 \
    --n-test-rollouts 10 \
    --num-rollouts-per-cycle 4 \
    --update-eps 1 \
    --soft-update \
    --temp 200 \
    --seed 0 \
    --gamma 0.99 \
    --lr 0.0005 \
    --polyak 0.95 \
    --embed-dim 100 \
    --w-sampling cauchy_ball \
    --n-epochs 200 \
  1. train continuous maze:
python continuous_main.py \
    --agent FB \
    --n-cycles 25 \
    --n-test-rollouts 10 \
    --num-rollouts-per-cycle 4 \
    --update-eps 1 \
    --soft-update \
    --temp 200 \
    --seed 0 \
    --gamma 0.99 \
    --lr 0.0005 \
    --polyak 0.95 \
    --embed-dim 100 \
    --w-sampling cauchy_ball \
    --n-epochs 200 \
  1. train atari:
python atari_main.py \
    --agent FB \
    --n-cycles 25 \
    --n-test-rollouts 10 \
    --num-rollouts-per-cycle 2 \
    --update-eps 0.2 \
    --soft-update \
    --temp 200 \
    --seed 0 \
    --gamma 0.9 \
    --lr 0.0005 \
    --polyak 0.95 \
    --embed-dim 100 \
    --w-sampling cauchy_ball \
    --n-epochs 200 \