
'Backspin' version of the classic Pong game playable with arrow keys, written in Object-Oriented ES6.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pong game with 'backspin' physics engine

Author: Jarid [ jarid@hey.com ]

An enchancement to the classic basic pong game using SVG and requestAnimationFrame().

Like the real game it's based on, ping pong, hitting the ball while your paddle is moving will create a backspin effect.

alt text


This project was an opportunity to practice modularity with object oriented programming.

In addition, it was a chance to challenge myself by applying some linear algebra I had learned during my computer engineering degree.


  • JavaScript ES6
  • npm / Webpack / Babel
  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • Rendering Engine / SVG

Code Sample

Below is the primary method, backspin(). The function applies a vector perpendicular to the path of the ball on a backspin event. Over time, this vector decays, creating the 'arc' effect.

// src/partials/Ball.js:142
backspin(player, svg) {            // this function will only alter ball path if this.ballSpinConstant > 0
     if (this.hotOffThePaddle) {
       this.ballSpinConstant = CONFIG.spinConst * player.speedDelta;
       this.previousSpin = this.ballSpinConstant;
       this.hotOffThePaddle = !this.hotOffThePaddle;
       this.bounceDecay =  ;

     let spinVectorX = this.vy * this.ballSpinConstant;   // to create a 'spin' we have to apply a vector perpendicular to [vx,  vy]
     let spinVectorY = -this.vx * this.ballSpinConstant; // by definition, this vector is [vy, -vx]

    if (player.player === 'player ') {             // logic to reverse backspin direction depending on paddle side
       this.vx += spinVectorX;
       this.vy += spinVectorY;
     } else {
       this.vx -= spinVectorX;
       this.vy -= spinVectorY;

     // ballSpinConstant needs to go to 0, or else you can create a perfect circle instead of arc
     // CONFIG.spinDecay < 1, and here we set directly to 0 when it gets sufficiently small
     if (this.ballSpinConstant > 0.0001) {
       this.ballSpinConstant *= CONFIG.spinDecay;
     } else if (this.ballSpinConstant < -0.0001) {
       this.ballSpinConstant *= CONFIG.spinDecay;
     } else {
       this.ballSpinConstant = 0;


Download or clone repo, then run the following commands in terminal:

Initialize NPM:

> npm init

Install Webpack:

> npm install

Build project:

> webpack

Build project for production (compression):

> webpack -p

Launch dev server to automatically update changes:

> webpack-dev-server


Player 1:

  • w: up
  • s: down

Player 2:

  • ▲ : up
  • ▼: down

Both Players

  • spacebar: pause

More Game Information

  • ball speed will increase on each paddle collision
  • backspin will only be applied when paddle is moving on contact
  • the paddles accelerate, the faster you go the more backspin you can make!
  • 'backspin' text will appear to notify user of new ball path
  • game is over when one player reaches 10, on menu select 'n' or 'N' to start a new game