
Multiplayer games with Bluetooth (Android) on Unity

Primary LanguageC#


Asset that allows Multiplayer games to be played through Bluetooth and using Mirror between Android devices.

First clone the repository, download the unity packages from the following releases of Mirror and Ignorance, and unpack them.





This project uses this abandoned asset on the Unity Asset Store

Android Bluetooth Multiplayer: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/network/android-bluetooth-multiplayer-basic-20928

How to use

The most basic setup is to:

  • Replace KcpTransport for IgnoranceTransport.Ignorance.
  • Replace NetworkManagerHUD for BlueberryHUD.
  • Add BlueberryHelper component on NetworkManager gameObject.

In case HUD components are not used, BlueberryHelper methods StartHost,StartClient and StartServer need to be called instead of those from NetworkManager as done in the Chat scene.

With this setup you can make builds for both Windows Standalone and Android devices without changing the code. Depending on the target platform BlueberryHelper will trigger the Bluetooth functionality or just behave as a standard NetworkManager. This will hopefully ease the development time.