
RACS - the ROS1 and cFS System

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

RACS (ROS1 and cFS System) project

This repository is a collection of libraries and tools which enable to implement Robot Operating System (ROS1) nodes into core Flight Executives (cFE). cFE is a core component of NASA-supplied spacecraft software, Core Flight System (CFS).

This project provides the following 3 components,

  • CFS converter
  • ROS/cFE interface library
  • ROS/cFE network bridge

Since there are many combinations of ROS and cFE versions, we do not currently support all versions including the latest version. If you have any requests for updates, please contact us. We will respond on demand.


This project is under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt.

Release Notes

  • RACS (ROScFE) project suite 1.0.0 is released.

Directory List

  • cfs_converter:
    The Convertor that translates ROS nodes into CFS apps.
  • convert_lib:
    The library that is built with converted ROS nodes in CFS. This library provides the fundamental functions required from converted ROS nodes.
  • sample_pub:
    Sample ROS publisher node used for conversion test.
  • sample_sub:
    Sample ROS subscriber node used for conversion test.
  • hk_pub:
    Sample ROS publisher node communicating with HK app.
  • hk_sub:
    Sample ROS subscriber node communicating with HK app.


Setup on Linux

  • Prerequisite: ROS kinetic is installed.

  • Clone this repository.

    cd [your working directory]  
    git clone [repository URL]
  • Get cFE and OSAL source and extract them on your working directory.

    tar -zxf cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release.tar.gz -C [your working directory]
    tar -zxf osal-4.2.1a-release.tar.gz -C [your working directory]
  • Move extracted OSAL directory into the cFE directory as "osal" directory.

    cd [your working directory]  
    cp -pr osal-4.2.1a-release/* cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/osal/
  • Change directory to cfs_converter/.

    cd roscfe/cfs_converter
  • Edit "config.ini" according to your environment.
    [optional] Set "create_relay_flag" to 1 if ROS/cFE network bridge is used.

    cfe_path=[your working directory]/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/apps  
    ros_path=[your catkin workspace]/src  
    create_relay_flag=1     ; =1 : when ROS/cFE network bridge is used  
  • Add your ROS package path, launch file name, and ROS node name activated from launch file into "convert_list.txt".
    Ex) If your ROS workspace is as follows,

              |   └─bringup.launch  
              |   └─XXX.cpp  

    then edit "convert_list.txt" as follows.

    # [ros_pkg path] [launch file name] [name of launch node(*)]  
    /home/test_user/catkin_ws/src/my_ros_package bringup.launch my_node   
    # OR  

    (*) [name of launch node] must be equal to the value of 'name' attribute in launch file.

  • [optional] If you want to use ROS/cFE network bridge, edit "relay_base/relay_node_base/launch/Connection.launch". Available parameters are as follows.

    • protocol:tcp/udp
    • port:port-number for receiving messages
    • port_send:destination's port-number for sending messages
    • ip_addr:IP address of destination
    • ring_length:buffer size for receiving messages
  • [optional] If you want to use ROS/cFE network bridge, edit "relay_base/relay_node_base/launch/MsgId2Topic.launch". Available parameters are as follows.

    • topic:topic name published/subscribed by "ros_relay_node"
    • ros_data_type:ROS message type
    • msg_id:cFE message id used for publication/subscription on "cfe_relay_app"
    • cfe_data_type:cFE data type
    • sender:=0 when ROS-->cFE / =1 when cFE-->ROS
  • Add execution authority to "start_cfs_converter.sh", run it.

    chmod +x start_cfs_converter.sh  

    "start_cfs_converter.sh" generates

    • "converted ROS node" at the path specified by cfe_path in "config.ini"
    • [optional] "ros_relay_node" at the path specified by ros_path in "config.ini"
    • [optional] "cfe_relay_app" at the path specified by cfe_path in "config.ini"
  • Copy convert_lib directory into apps directory of cFE.

    cp -pr [your working directory]/roscfe/convert_lib [your working directory]/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/apps/ 
  • Move to the directory including "Makefile" at "converted ROS node" in cFE.

    cd [your working directory]/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/apps/["converted ROS node"]/fsw/for_build/

    Modify "OBJS" and ".cpp.o" fields in "Makefile". Ex)

    OBJS = my_node.o /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
        $(COMPILER) $(LOCAL_COPTS) -std=c++11 -m32 -Wall $(INCLUDE_PATH) -g -O0 -DOS_DEBUG_LEVEL=$(DEBUG_LEVEL) -c -o my_node [cpp file path] 
  • Move to the directory including "Makefile" at cFE build directory.

    cd [your working directory]/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/build/cpu1/Makefile

    Modify "THE_APPS" as follows,

    THE_APPS := convert_lib ["converted ROS node" DIRECTORY NAME]

    [optional] If you build "cfe_relay_app", add it into "THE_APPS"

    THE_APPS := convert_lib relay_app ["converted ROS node" DIRECTORY NAME]
  • Move to the directory including "cfe_es_startup.scr".

    cd [your working directory]/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release/build/cpu1/exe/cfe_es_startup.scr

    Add the activation-setting-line for "converted ROS node".

    CFE_LIB, /cf/apps/convert_lib.so,   CONVERT_LibInit,CONVERT_LIB,  0,   0,    0x0, 0;
    CFE_APP, /cf/apps/["converted ROS node" directory name].so, [ENTRY_PT(*)],[name of app], [priority(**)], 8192, 0x0, 0;

    (*): It is defined at "Makefile" modified at previous step.
    (**): The smaller number it is, the higher priority the app has.
    [optional] If "cfe_relay_app" is added, set the lowest priority to it.

    CFE_LIB, /cf/apps/convert_lib.so,   CONVERT_LibInit,CONVERT_LIB,  0,   0,    0x0, 0;
    CFE_APP, /cf/apps/sample_sub_1.so,     sub_main_1_, SAMPLE_SUB,  10,   8192, 0x0, 0;
    CFE_APP, /cf/apps/relay_app.so, RELAY_AppMain,RELAY_APP, 20, 0, 0x0, 0;

Build & Run on Linux

[optional] ROS build & run

If you want to run "ros_relay_app", follow the below instructions.

  • Move to your ros workspace, execute build commands.

    cd [your catkin workspace]  
    catkin_make clean  
    catkin_make -i  
  • Execute bellow command.

    rosrun relay_node relay_node
    rosrun [my_ros_pkg] [my_ros_node] 

cFE build & run

  • Execute bellow commands.

    cd [your working directory]/cFE-6.5.0-OSS-release  
    . ./setvars.sh
  • Remove old-build-directories.

    cd build/cpu1  
    rm -rf [old-build-directores]
  • Execute build commands.

    make config  
  • Run cFE apps.

    cd exe  
    sudo su  
