
Haskell-like functional programming in C-like languages!

Primary LanguageC++


Jay's not-very-efficient implementation of Haskell's functional programming, in C++ (C upcoming).

C implementation

Very much todo. C++ has priority for now.

C++ implementation

For documentation, see c++/docs.md.
HSC++ uses GNU Make/G++ for compilation and compiles down to a shared library (c++/lib/libhsc++.so).


  • Basic data type wrappers (in namespace hscpp):
    • hsInt (for C/C++'s int, Haskell's Int)
    • hsInteger (for C/C++'s long, Haskell's Integer)
    • hsBool (for C/C++'s bool, Haskell's Bool)
    • hsFloat (for C/C++'s float, Haskell's Float)
    • hsDouble (for C/C++'s double, Haskell's Double)
    • hsChar (for C/C++'s char, Haskell's Char)
  • Show and Read type classes.
    • Limitation: due to circular dependencies, the basic data types are not Show. There exists, however, a show method that takes any of them and returns a hsString (string).
  • Functor, Applicative and Monad type classes.
  • Monadic List (and String wrapper)
    • Limitation: due to circular dependencies (partial classes), List<a> is not Show, even if a is.
  • Maybe monad (which is conditionally Show: if a : Show, then Maybe<a> : Show).
  • Either monad (which is conditionally Show: if a : Show and e : Show, then Either<a, e> : Show)
    • Limitation: a and e can't name the same type (due to the use of unions).
  • Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded type classes
    • Limitation: Enum only has the to & from enum, along with succ and pred.

Makefile targets:

  • In c++/Makefile:
    • all: builds the shared library.
    • empty: shows all source files, the generated object files and their dependency files.
    • examples: compiles/links the examples; binaries will be in c++/ex/bin/.
    • tests: compiles/links the tests; executable will be c++/bin/all.
    • runtests: compiles/links the tests, then runs it.
    • clean: cleans up the make environment (only for the library, doesn't clean c++/ex/ or c++/test/).
    • install: builds the shared library, installs it under /usr/lib/ and installs the header files (c++/inc/) under /usr/include/hsc/ (requires sudo).
  • In c++/ex/Makefile:
    • all: builds all examples; binaries will be in c++/ex/bin/.
    • clean: cleans the examples up.
  • In c++/test/Makefile: tests aren't set up yet.


  • c++/ex/bin/list: Simple example showing the monadic List.
  • c++/ex/bin/either: Simple example showing the Either monad.
  • c++/ex/bin/maybe: Simple example showing the Maybe monad.