
A simple Android app demonstrating the use of MVVM architecture pattern and automated tests for it

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Android MVVM

A simple Android app demonstrating the use of MVVM architecture pattern and automated tests for it

Problem Statement

Filtering matches

Getting Started

  • Clone the repository
  • Import the directory MatchFilter from the repo using Android Studio stable version
  • Update the SERVER_URL to your local IP address in app/build.gradle in the build variant that you are using release or debug
  • Update network_security_config.xml in the app with your IP address to allow connecting to this local server
  • Run the app on emulator or device
  • When running the app on device, ensure that both your server and mobile device, both are connected to the same Wifi network

Running UI tests

  • Clone the repository
  • Open terminal and type cd android-mvvm-snetworks/MatchFilter
  • Run UI tests ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
  • Run Unit tests ./gradlew test