
robotic motion planning library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Documentation and tutorials are available at (https://hungpham2511.github.io/toppra/).

TOPP-RA is a library for time-parameterizing robot trajectories subject to kinematic and dynamic constraints. In general, given the inputs:

  1. a geometric path q(s), s in [0, s_end] ;
  2. a list of constraints on joint velocity, joint accelerations, tool Cartesian velocity, et cetera.

TOPP-RA returns the time-parameterization: s_dot (s), from which a trajectory q(t) that satisfies the given constraints can be computed.

Citing TOPP-RA

If you use this library for your research, we encourage you to

  1. reference the accompanying paper «A new approach to Time-Optimal Path Parameterization based on Reachability Analysis», IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 34(3), pp. 645–659, 2018.
  2. put a star on this repository.

Bug reports and supports

Please report any issues, questions via Github issues tracker.

It will be very helpful if you can provide more details on the errors/bugs that you encounter. In fact, the best way is to provide a Minimal Working Example that produces the reported bug and attach it with the issue report.