
Core Developer Bootstrap Code

Primary LanguageTypeScript


codecov CircleCI

Bootstrap script for provisioning developer machines.


To build and run the app in production:

To run an HTTPS proxy in front of the app:

To run tests once:

  • npm run test:single

To run tests and re-run on changes:

  • npm test

To lint:

  • npm run lint

To build:

  • npm run build


To run the web application locally run:

git clone https://github.com/6RiverSystems/strap-core
cd strap-core
npm install
# Setup config.json5
GITHUB_KEY="..." GITHUB_SECRET="..." npm start

Web Application Environment Variables


  • GITHUB_KEY: GitHub application client ID
  • GITHUB_SECRET: GitHub application client secret
  • ARTIFACTORY_TOKEN: API key of an Artifactory administrator account
  • ARTIFACTORY_URL: base URL of the hosted Artifactory instance, i.e. https://foo.jfrog.io/foo/ (include trailing slash)


  • PORT: the port to run the application on, defaults to 5000
  • SESSION_SECRET: secret token to use for sessions, defaults to a randomly generated token
  • LOG_LEVEL: trace, debug, info, warn, fatal, or silent, defaults to info
