
Migrated version of keyboard_control from ros1->ros2

Primary LanguagePython


Note: This is a modified version of keyboard_control developed for ROS1 Noetic, and ported to ROS2 Foxy.

Original: https://github.com/jbennet-t/keyboard_control

This is a basic keyboard teleoperation/control module built for ROS2 Foxy. Interfaces with Twist in ROS2, and publishes to turtlesim1/cmd_vel for simple robot control. If you want to publish to the standard /cmd_vel for more general robot control, change the line publisher = node.create_publisher(Twist, 'turtle1/cmd_vel', 10) to publisher = node.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 10)

How to Install

  1. cd to the src folder in your ros2 workspace, and clone this repository there (assuming you have ros2 and git installed)
  2. git clone https://github.com/jbennet-t/keyboard_control2.git
  3. Install the python getch module: pip3 install getch

How to Run

  1. In the first terminal tab, cd to the top level of your ros2 directory
  2. Source your setup.bash: source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash and . install/setup.bash
  3. Build the keyboard_control2 package: colcon build --packages-select keyboard_control2
  4. Run the package: ros2 run keyboard_control2 keyboard_input3
  5. In a new tab, cd to the top level of your ros2 directory
  6. Source again: source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash and . install/setup.bash
  7. Run turtlesimros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node
  8. With the turtlesim window on the side, select the terminal running keyboard_control2, and follow the on-screen instructions

Note: you may have to install pip3 if it is not already part of your python install