
Senior project: Automated testing in Python for Django project

Primary LanguagePython

Project: Awesome Usage Monitor

Dates: Jan-June 2017


    This was a senior capstone project that was done for the EPL-LID maker space at Portland State University. The goal of the project was to create a system that would log tool usage in the space as well as monitor and resitrict tool access if a user had not received training on the tool yet. The project was done over a 6 month period from Jan-June 2017. The team did not have a signed contract with the sponsor to begin work until Jan 30th, so total time from start to completion was 5 months. A group of 4 people took responsibility for different areas of the project and worked to create a database, web interface, tool power disruptor, and testing software.

    I was responsible for software testing. This included creating the testing environment, automated unit tests, and coverage reports. I had no background in software testing, testing databases, working with Django, etc., before the beginning of this project. So, while it was very daunting and frustrating at times, it turned out to be one of my favorite projects I've worked on.